Modifying an old joke - Coup de grace is a Mexican job in Texas.

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Are the commercials for that Communist-sounding company even shown in redneck areas?

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On the third day he'll rise up as the Easter Bunny.

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"The Liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." [Proverbs 11.25]

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Father Christmas and Père Noël better watch their ass.

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to be fair, that 'coexist' campaign is pretty annoying.

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What, never heard of dimmer switches? The farther you dim, the more able you are to enjoy Kinkade.

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I see their "scroll" is mounted on two large crayons. That's probably because their parents won't let them have pencils or other sharp objects. Good thinking.

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Shooting? I thought the Q'uron says to stone Santa to death.

I love the part where he says "we're professionals" just before shooting the Real Santa doll. But true professional Santa Sleigh'ers can hit their symbols of generosity from way more than 10 feet.

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He wisely stayed away from the "shoot the bearded man" event.

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Just when I almost got this <i> Santa Claus is really your parents</i> thing figured out, I get something like this. So, is he real or isn't he?

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Crayon props: $5 Santa Doll: $14.95 Guns, ear protection, ammunition: $500 Getting your video on wonkette: priceless

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I can only watch with the sound off due to my computer being infected with malware (Santa, can you bring me an iPad?), but I need to know, were they or were they not driven insane by Mannheim Steamroller and their god-forsaken brand of medieval rock?

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