Roger that.

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This guy isn't weird; he's batshit crazy. There IS a difference.

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As they are allegedly all human, I'm worried about these people. I mean even liberals mostly let the child rapist thing pass through the news cycle as the story was shaky and few details were available. I never even saw a statement from the police or other officials(I didn't look).

Enter a right wing nut job who Trump was essentially custom made for, and his idea is to promote it like the trial was over. We need to start funding mental hospitals again.

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It would make more sense than their other positions.

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Morrow should exercise his 2nd Amendment rights and have them remove his chairmanship from his cold, dead fingers.

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And now Governor LePage, our favorite Maine weird-ass republican, has gone on a rant: http://www.msn.com/en-us/ne...

These guys just love to make themselves heard. So much. So very much.

Why does this Morrow guy look like he got lost in 1963?

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With November's election fast approaching, it seems Trump is having second thoughts. Given this particular candidacy, it's equally plausible that Trump is having first thoughts. There is no evidence that he has ever seriously considered any issue, including immigration. His purpose throughout the Republican primary was to convey hostility to Hispanic immigrants, and to validate the hostility of his crowds. Accusing Mexicans of crimes and promising deportations and a wall to keep them out accomplished his goal. Were his pronouncements actual policies that Trump intended to carry out? I don't know. Maybe.

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I was never a big fan of Psych, because Sean drove me crazy. But the names he'd come up with for Gus were laugh-out-loud funny. And Gus, against his better judgment, would always go along with whatever improvised insanity Sean came up with. Gus was the VIP of that show, is what I'm saying.

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What did we ever do to you?

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If you leave out the Berniebots, who are still out there.

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I must admit I enjoyed the picture of Boehner smirking and mowing his lawn.

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If there was a dictionary definition for Village Idiot, he would be the illustration

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This, is why you never vote for someone in an election when you don't know anything about them. Then again, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. Republicans cultivated this crazy, and now they are reaping the harvest.

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Because the media will pick out one of their moronic lies and run with it.

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Morrow probably thinks Trump is a squishy librtard.

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Right. Travis County is Austin, where the Reptilians have gerrymandered a district so far out in the sticks for the sole purpose of preventing lib'rul Austin (which some Texans aren't really sure is part of Texas) from having a Democratic Congresscritter.

I hope they all go down in unfucking flames (no fucks for any of 'em).

mark, former resident of Austin

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