It's the purest form of misogyny. They hate women, women should be controlled and punished, they shouldn't have sex by their own agency, if they do, they're whores who might as well die, and certainly should be punished by pregnancy, childbirth, and an 18 year responsibility. There's no logic to any of it, except for their woman-hatred.

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Ah, but from the ignorant prudes' point of view, it's success. They hate women, and want them to be controlled, punished, and, if 600 whores die, great. They're not really "ignorant prudes," they're vicious woman-haters. And it's really time people stopped listening to their bullshit about "the unborn," and paid attention to what they're actually doing to the "born."

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It's really terrible. Steve Lopez in the L.A. Times has been writing a lot of columns about it, and the Coastal Commission, which is sliding into the same developer-friendly nastiness. I think we citizens have to get more involved, attend meetings, and make our voices heard. After thirty years of truly making a difference, cleaning up the air so we can all breathe here, they want to plunge us back into the awful, choking smog of yesteryear.

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Aren't all those things on their bible? I think that's where they get all this shit from, ain't it?

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And we really should stop dignifying them by calling them "religious." They are vicious woman-haters, bigots, and misogynists, worse than the worst inquisitors at the Salem Witch trials.

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Exceptions are made, of course, for their mistress/girlfriend/daughter.

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Though they seem to have no problem trying to make others feel shame.

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I gave a friend a ride to a program at a Catholic church on end of life issues. She thought it was going to cover living wills and palliative care. The program was sponsored by Ohio Right To Live. Before getting into end of life issues (The Dignity of Natural Death), they had to take a moment to tear hell into abortions and gender reassignment surgery (surgical mutilation).

If you want to get the skinny on what's acceptable in sex, ask a professional virgin.

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I have a monthly automatic donation to Planned Parenthood, but I don't think that the mortality increase was related to the funding cuts. The timeline just doesn't work out. Texas started defunding the programs at the start of fiscal year 2012, which is September 2011. The huge mortality increase came in calendar year 2011. This is not to defend the state's actions, but I just can't imagine that cutting funding in September could lead to that kind of increase in that same year. Also, the fact that the rate was level, shot up suddenly, and then was level again just screams to me that there's something going on with the way the deaths are being recorded. Again, it's messed up either way, but I think that this narrative of funding costs being directly responsible for mortality increase is simplistic and probably wrong.

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Too much of a downer. I'd rather see the Florida Report brought back. They tend to do things to themselves without quite so much collateral damage.

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If a Texas woman gets impregnated by a Mexican rapist, can she have an abortion then?

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No, it is tied directly to it. Women can't get health care. Women die.It is simplistic because it has been proven, time and time again, that it really is that simplistic.

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Dunno if you know this or not, but while Abortion is not mentioned in the ten commandments? Lying sure is.*pats*

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Pst, probably because the conservatives who want to conserve nothing but their own wallets- at your expense- keep blocking any meaninful legislation that might help it.

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Once again, lies are directly forbidden by the Bible.You are lying.Why do you hate God and America?

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Texas government took more than most any other state in Federal dollars while making sure its people got none of it.Wanna run that one by us again?Edit: And look, you are lying again!

he U.S. economy grew 2.4% in 2015. This is the most the economy has grown in more than five years, and is a slight improvement on 2014’s 2.2% growth.

The economies of all but two states grew in 2015, some substantially more than others, and for a variety of reasons. California and Oregon each grew by 4.1%, more than any other state. Alaska and North Dakota contracted, while several states saw increases of less than 0.5%.

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