It would have been another unfunded mandate. I mean, making it harder to get out of jail just increases inmate populations in, you guessed it, liberal Texas cities, and they are ALL liberal.

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And very inconvenient.

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Ivanka who??

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I'm glad I left TX after 16 months in the 70s. I'm never going back.

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Abbot should cut the power off for the state legislature that’ll learn ‘em!

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My first thought was, "There is no way in hell I would go in that water."

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"Well, how 'bout I buy you a big glass-bottomed boat?""Oh, baby, I don't want no fish looking up my skirt."

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Isn't there some kind of unwritten law that you're obliged to help with things like this?

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Never. Absolutely never. I'm sure too.

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I spent a year in Moses Lake one week. What a shithole.

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Any group could still have posted bail for up to three people every six months, and religious organizations were exempt from the restriction.Yeah, because you can't have the forced-birther crowd possibly languishing behind bars should they manage to get themselves arrested.

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Usually it's 'Daddy', but that didn't scan as well.

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Been bad, call daddy just isn't as memorable as a slogan

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As if anything the forced-birthers do - up to and including fire-bombing and murder - is ever going to get them a frown from law enforcement, much less arrested.

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In California, state-level measures that increase local costs are required by law to include funding from the state in order to pay for it if the measure passes. I assumed that was the case everywhere, because duh of course that should be required, but is that not the case in Texas?

I mean, I shouldn't be surprised if so, but just adds to the list of Reasons I'm Glad I Live in California and Not That Texas Shithole*.

*no offense to Texas Wonks, but the state government is straight up trash in so many ways.

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