Oh, I agree 100% with you about the Couple :) I thought you were talking about Lardass's Idiot Minions in-general. My bad...

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Actually there are both sorts. Lots of articles about the survivor of a Couple whose partner was a vehement anti-vaxxer and died… and their spouse is begging people to get vaccinated.

(Pardon my sleepy syntax).

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And the good thing - Real Estate prices will plummet.

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“As god as my witness… I thought Turkeys could fly.”

Let us know. I’ll be there with my Beach Chair, a couple of Salami Sandwiches and a decent Umbrella.


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Thanx for the update. Much appreciated. If we peak here in SF, we can all meet in the Park with Masks and Tequila.

(Where are you getting your stats?)

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And Floriduh is just as bad, although there's some signs that some counties are telling Gov. DeathSentence where he can stick his threats to pull funding from schools and counties who mandate masks.

Eat shit and die, Repukes.

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I feels ya. My Empathyomometer (It is TOO a real thing that I just now made up..) just threw up it's hands and said, "Fuck it, I'm out."

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Yeah. I don't know anyone who has died of it, since my social universe is mostly overprivileged white folks. But up the street is the nursing home where 1 in 4 died. But I didn't know them.

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I suspect the partner was the cultist, maybe the survivor was just bullied by the anti-vaxxer. They are not real shy about telling everyone they are wrong, to believe in science.Your syntax is fine, btw.

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This brings up another question. Suppose the rules are changed, and school districts are allowed to vaccinate. Will this result in MAGAts taking their kids out of schools and home-schooling them?

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Jesus tapdancing f***. I'm glad I don't have kids down here in Texas.

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Ain't them lice what the Messicans call la cucaracha?

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Your moral barometer was broken years ago if you didn't want them to die already in 2000/2001 when the Enron and 30 other similar major scandals happened, we went to an illegal 20 year long war in which we invaded at least three countries not related to anything. the housing bubble burst, Reps shot down every attempt to fix health care, etc.

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100% yes. If the MSM had called out every fucking Repub who said "Democrat" instead of "Democratic", maybe we wouldn;t hear this as much.What they shouldv'e done is to correct the Repub, and tell them if they did again they'd be taken off the air, period. ZOf course this would've happen at Fox News, but it would be betteh than nothing.

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Expat Texan here.

I am so f*cking tired of seeing ignorant, bullshit comments from shitty people like this.

Look, I fantasized every day for 5 years about A-10s strafing Westheimer road, even Milam St. during rush hour because it's the only way Texas is going to do anything about their utterly crippling traffic problems. Before I finally moved to West Houston away from the highways.

Let me explain this to you. Over 50% of the people who actually vote in this state do not vote for Republicans. Go look at the voting results. Literally every city in Texas is a blue stronghold with Ft. Worth being the only one with a real red presence.

City. I'm not talking out in the country in stupid podunk towns like Lubbock or Nacogdoches or whatever. Abeline. I'm talking the cities where over half of the population lives.

Stop lumping us all together because by your trash logic, I'd be more than happy for COVID to destroy your entire state, too, and I guarantee it doesn't have the positive economic influence or cultural presence this one does.

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While the Repubs are certainly responable for that, it couldn't've happened without the textbook industry going along with it, basing it on saving money by pritning only one version for the whold country.Problem is now, that that dog don't hunt anymore, as with digital and other new tech they can print smaller runs just as easily.

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