How does this happen? Texas politicians make the Chicago Machine look like amateurs.

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It must all that high school football in Texas causing brain damage.

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The eyes of Texas aren't on you.

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It truly brings a tear to your eye at times.

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Niggerhead 2 Electric Boogaloo??

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I heard that bullshit on the news and just thought to myself "Texas, can't you just not be a pack of assholes for once? Just once?It makes the rest of us physically tired to hear what crazy shit you have done every week or so "

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I think you meant "blowjob-in-stall"

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The PRC actually does have a lot of reasonable-sounding regulations and laws pertaining to occupational and environmental safety, the same as any other normal modern industrialized country. The problem, though, is that it also has a lot of graft.

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Instead of OSHA, they should have an agency called "OHSHIT"...as in "Oh Shit! There 's been an accident!"

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Unfortunately, he is not hunting for information.

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it's an honest mistake. Texas just got carried away and used up all their regulations on the abortion clinics. It's not like you can just go out and get more at the drop of a ten gallon hat

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And Darwin smiled ...

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<i>I would say that any resistance is more just fear of the unknown than anybody trying to hide or cover up some situation</i>

The only 'unknown' involved here is exactly when the next ton of shit is gonna blow sky high.

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Attention All Employees:

The explosions will continue until morale improves.

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Don't deny yourself Savannah or Charleston. Despite their sordid histories they are beautiful.

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"Alright Ms Baby-Killer, ahm gonna hafta shut ya down your clinic heah, on account of this outlet doesn't take three-prong plugs. Sorry about that!"

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