Luckily it's pretty easy to fool the GOP base. All you have to do is scream about socialism and the poors driving Cadillacs, and the base freaks out.

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All others pay cash.

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Taxes pay for stuff! Stuff is good!Speaking of fracking, that's another way Texas stuck it to local government- cities cannot ban fracking. Denton tried it and got smacked down. : (

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Holy crap. Around here, when you comment on the stench of oil & gas production in the air, some asshole invariably says, "That's the smell of MONEY!" Hardy-har-har.Also, too: you said 'Titta' *snort*

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Fucking retards!Not the Texas Legislators that passed this Draconian bullshit. But rather the Texans who voted for these assholes. And those who sat on their asses and didn't vote!There is ample stupidity to go around on this one!

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Typical Republican creedo. Life is sacred until it leaves the womb, then its just another taker.

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Except they insisted upon wording that makes it unlikely to be useful. "Prescribed" by a physician vs."recommended" by a physician have very different meanings as far as legal consequences. Of course this is a purposeful delay and I think other state(s)went that route first, too, so it is progress.

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True, the fact that MM is being discussed in Austin is something I didn't think would happen for at least another 10 years : )

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No surprise Texas which is a Pharma Vaccine minion would pull funding from its most vulnerable people. How heroic of the state to pick on those with little ability to fight back.

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Like MERCK who paid of a former governor who wanted to force GARDASIL on all children. Here's what the result would have been if there hadn't been an uproar and pushback http://truthaboutgardasil.o...

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... as long as that internet percent calculator isn't made by Texas Instruments, even though, apparently, they are still "a thing".

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By Mexico!

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Give it back to Mexico.

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...or wrongs...

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Are we taking bets on whether the "thosese" person identifies as Christian? Of course not, we KNOW they do.

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They just say "gummint takin' and redistributin' ain't charitah!" :spit!:....Now compassion, a Christian nation being compassionate toward the sick/less fortunate? Go back to Sweden you godless commies!

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