There is no "foreign invasion" of the U.S. taking place, and those making that claim are barefaced liars. Nikki Haley's statement that "We’ve had 8 million" immigrants come to the U.S. illegally under Biden and they only sent back 142,000," fudges the figures all to hell and is grossly misleading. By September 2023, the Biden administration had carried out over three and a half million removals, returns and expulsions. There ain't any "open border" and there ain't any "foreign invasion." The people these disgusting creatures Paxton and Abbot refer to as "invaders" are not organised and they are not armed. They do not remotely meet any standard of "foreign invasion" that would justify Abbott in defying a Supreme Court finding. And Governor Abbott has upped Nikki Haley's figure of 8 million illegal border crossings to 10 million. Both liars implied that ALL these border crossers got to remain in the U.S., which they absolutely didn't.
I reckon there's a definite case for slamming Abbott and Paxton with charges of insurrection. And I hope so.
Oh, and naturally Trump is urging "all willing states" to deploy their own National Guard forces to Texas to support Abbott, so maybe that's sedition and insurrection too. He's certainly expressing himself in favour of it.
"“It’s like, if someone’s breaking into your house, and the court says ‘Oh, sorry. You can’t defend yourself.’ What do you tell the court?” Roy said. “You tell the court to go to hell, you defend yourself and then figure it out later.”"
Do you think Roy would accept this as a justification for getting an abortion?
I also find it noteworthy that "figuring it out later" pretty much only works out for white men; how many women, especially women of color, are in prison because they defended themselves from documented abuse instead of "going through the correct channels" (whatever that's even supposed to mean)?
But of course, that just leads back to the great Republican principle of IOKIYAR, which overrides and supersedes any and every clause and amendment of the constitution, forever.
Apparently, McConnell confirmed today that Trump ordered Republicans not to do a Ukraine/border deal with Biden, according to Jake Sherman over at Punchbowl. Trump's threatening them if they do it.
I have Latino friends who have told me they are getting stopped and randomly "checked out" by cops and border patrol types just to "make sure" they's legul. It goes without saying they were born here. You can bet your bottom Confederate dollar that any illegal Canadians or northern Europeans smuggling maple syrup or lutefisk across the border won't have any problems.
This was never about stopping all them illegals from crossing the border. It was always about stopping all them funny lookin' folks from crossing the border.
Ignoring the SC on decisions they don't like, ignoring subpoenas from courts and ignoring laws they disagree with are all in line with the MAGA FARQ crowd.
It's practically their take on law and order, they will only obey the laws and order they like and not those hey don't.
I wish Paxton would get ahead of the secessionists and start planning the process now. His office could write a model constitution amendment to allow secession. Then model federal and state legislation defining what happens to federal assets in Texas. These assets include the USPS, military equipment, science equipment in universities, etc. The feds need to plan for border walls and crossing points between Texas and the US. Texas needs to plan for its own banking system, currency, postal service, coast guard, international travel and commerce. There is much more, but this is a start.
I’m left wondering how Texas governor can continue to get away with this and it’s met with a collective shrug. I know the Biden administration is doing what needs to be done in a legal and deliberate manner, but if Reagan can fire air traffic controllers, can’t Biden send troops to take over the border from racist border patrol agents colliding with the Texas National Guard?
The Biden team is going to have to formulate an effective rebuttal to messaging like "his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America" because the fascists are hanging their hats on foreign invasion panic all over the Western hemisphere. Be direct about it. "The Texas AG and governor keep very publicly braying about "open borders" and then act surprised when a bunch of people fleeing desperate conditions just show up without first applying for entry. Record apprehension and detentions aren't evidence of inattention or dereliction of duty at the border. I do appreciate the tacit admission that their party wouldn't get any votes from aspiring Americans though...
In the early 1900s, an average of over 5,000 immigrants a day were coming into the country through Ellis Island alone. Somehow, they got processed by people using fountain pens and ledger books, So, why can't we handle this today with electronic devices? What's the crisis?
There are hardly words for this.
I'll just try a few.
There is no "foreign invasion" of the U.S. taking place, and those making that claim are barefaced liars. Nikki Haley's statement that "We’ve had 8 million" immigrants come to the U.S. illegally under Biden and they only sent back 142,000," fudges the figures all to hell and is grossly misleading. By September 2023, the Biden administration had carried out over three and a half million removals, returns and expulsions. There ain't any "open border" and there ain't any "foreign invasion." The people these disgusting creatures Paxton and Abbot refer to as "invaders" are not organised and they are not armed. They do not remotely meet any standard of "foreign invasion" that would justify Abbott in defying a Supreme Court finding. And Governor Abbott has upped Nikki Haley's figure of 8 million illegal border crossings to 10 million. Both liars implied that ALL these border crossers got to remain in the U.S., which they absolutely didn't.
I reckon there's a definite case for slamming Abbott and Paxton with charges of insurrection. And I hope so.
Oh, and naturally Trump is urging "all willing states" to deploy their own National Guard forces to Texas to support Abbott, so maybe that's sedition and insurrection too. He's certainly expressing himself in favour of it.
"“The Supreme Court’s temporary restraining order"
Fine, let's play this particular little fantasy out to its logical end.
It's a temporary restraining order.
Now what?
You STILL can't ignore it and do whatever you feel like.
"“It’s like, if someone’s breaking into your house, and the court says ‘Oh, sorry. You can’t defend yourself.’ What do you tell the court?” Roy said. “You tell the court to go to hell, you defend yourself and then figure it out later.”"
Do you think Roy would accept this as a justification for getting an abortion?
I also find it noteworthy that "figuring it out later" pretty much only works out for white men; how many women, especially women of color, are in prison because they defended themselves from documented abuse instead of "going through the correct channels" (whatever that's even supposed to mean)?
Great point.
But of course, that just leads back to the great Republican principle of IOKIYAR, which overrides and supersedes any and every clause and amendment of the constitution, forever.
Give TX back to MX. Problem solved.
But then the Rs would have fewer congresscritters, and you know they'll never accept that.
Pffft... I doubt Mexico would want it back.
Open defiance of federal law by Texas officials. And it's still January. This year is gonna be insane!
I'm tired. I don't want to take part of this year.
Where's General Sherman when you need to teach someone a lesson.
Grant-ed, they need to be slapped back into line.
Apparently, McConnell confirmed today that Trump ordered Republicans not to do a Ukraine/border deal with Biden, according to Jake Sherman over at Punchbowl. Trump's threatening them if they do it.
Putting the good of the country first as usual!
Right, never! He's a Forever Asshole.
Ta, Stephen. I lived in TX for 16 months decades ago, and I'm never going back.
I have Latino friends who have told me they are getting stopped and randomly "checked out" by cops and border patrol types just to "make sure" they's legul. It goes without saying they were born here. You can bet your bottom Confederate dollar that any illegal Canadians or northern Europeans smuggling maple syrup or lutefisk across the border won't have any problems.
This was never about stopping all them illegals from crossing the border. It was always about stopping all them funny lookin' folks from crossing the border.
And when they say “fewer Latinos,” the number they’re thinking of is zero.
Heck, they want to make it a negative number!
Ignoring the SC on decisions they don't like, ignoring subpoenas from courts and ignoring laws they disagree with are all in line with the MAGA FARQ crowd.
It's practically their take on law and order, they will only obey the laws and order they like and not those hey don't.
I wish Paxton would get ahead of the secessionists and start planning the process now. His office could write a model constitution amendment to allow secession. Then model federal and state legislation defining what happens to federal assets in Texas. These assets include the USPS, military equipment, science equipment in universities, etc. The feds need to plan for border walls and crossing points between Texas and the US. Texas needs to plan for its own banking system, currency, postal service, coast guard, international travel and commerce. There is much more, but this is a start.
"“The Supreme Court’s temporary restraining order"
So, was Dobbs also a temporary restraining order?
Asking for 160 million friends.
I’m left wondering how Texas governor can continue to get away with this and it’s met with a collective shrug. I know the Biden administration is doing what needs to be done in a legal and deliberate manner, but if Reagan can fire air traffic controllers, can’t Biden send troops to take over the border from racist border patrol agents colliding with the Texas National Guard?
The Biden team is going to have to formulate an effective rebuttal to messaging like "his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America" because the fascists are hanging their hats on foreign invasion panic all over the Western hemisphere. Be direct about it. "The Texas AG and governor keep very publicly braying about "open borders" and then act surprised when a bunch of people fleeing desperate conditions just show up without first applying for entry. Record apprehension and detentions aren't evidence of inattention or dereliction of duty at the border. I do appreciate the tacit admission that their party wouldn't get any votes from aspiring Americans though...
In the early 1900s, an average of over 5,000 immigrants a day were coming into the country through Ellis Island alone. Somehow, they got processed by people using fountain pens and ledger books, So, why can't we handle this today with electronic devices? What's the crisis?
It's a crisis that comes around every 4 years for some reason.