The Supreme Court (narrowly!) ruled on Monday that the US Border Patrol can cut through and remove the razor wire that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s goons installed along the Rio Grande. Border enforcement is not the state’s job, and federal supremacy doesn’t exist only when Republicans are in the White House (usually against the popular will).
Abbott, however, has continued fortifying his precious murder wire in open defiance of the Supreme Court ruling. He boasted on social media, “The Texas National Guard continues to hold the line.”
Corrupt state Attorney General Ken Paxton said, “The Supreme Court’s temporary restraining order allows [President] Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. […] The fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.”
This seems very illegal, but on the other hand, it does seem odd that we were taking orders from some black-robed assholes who don’t even have an army. I hereby declare ABORTION LEGAL EVERYWHERE! SAM ALITO, MAKE ME A SANDWICH!
Thanks to abject thievery and deception, Republicans have a 6-3 Supreme Court majority that includes religious extremists, credibly accused sexual predators, and a billionaire’s Ken dolls (yes, there’s overlap here). You’d think they’d shrug off this ruling on the “lose some, win most” principle, but instead the “law and order” proponents fully support Texas ignoring the Supreme Court’s ruling.
Rep. Chip Roy, a noted constitutional scholar, told Fox News Digital on Tuesday, “[Texas leaders] have a duty under the Constitution … and every other norm of leadership of any sovereign state, to protect your citizens, period, full stop. There is no exception to that. And if the Supreme Court wants to ignore that truth, which a slim majority did, Texas still had the duty, Texas leaders still have the duty, to defend their people.”
The Supremacy Clause is the “exception,” although it’s apparently such an arcane part of the Constitution that Justices Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Thomas forgot all about it.
Roy had earlier posted on social media that the Supreme Court decision is “unconscionable” and Texas should go full sovereign nation on behalf of the innocent Border Patrol agents, whose union representatives seem most likely to wear Confederate gray.
“The Supreme Court’s decision today is going to undoubtedly encourage more illegal immigration. Unfortunately, this means Border Patrol agents are going to be tied up dealing with give ups rather than going after the criminal elements that constantly cross our borders illegally. The administration no doubt will say this is a win for border security, but if they sought rank and file input, they would be told this will do the exact opposite. Agents support what Texas was trying to accomplish in the absence of true border security policies from this administration.”
It’s hardly surprising that many (most? all?) Border Patrol agents would side with President Of Texas Greg Abbott over actual US President Joe Biden. Nonetheless, this is shocking to read. The statement tacitly supports treason, as the federal government’s authority isn’t neutralized just because you disagree with the current administration’s policies.
“Give ups” refers to migrants who voluntarily surrender at the border. The Border Patrol union considers dealing with otherwise harmless people a waste of time. The union would prefer that agents bust heads.
Nicholas Grossman observed on social media:
“‘Border security,’ to most people, means security. Customs checks at ports of entry, officers patrolling elsewhere and stopping illegal crossings, etc.
“But to many of those most adamant about ‘border security,’ it means fewer Latinos coming to the US, which isn’t a security issue”
That’s why Republican politicians will complain about Biden’s so-called “open border” policy while posting the latest figures listing how many people were apprehended at the border. It doesn’t matter that they were prevented from freely entering the country and setting up a profitable dress-making business in El Paso. Republicans consider their very presence tantamount to an invading army, and that requires a fully militarized response.
Roy, of course, wants to escalate the situation. He said, “All members of TX Congressional delegation should oppose to any funding to DHS or any other entity facilitating this brazen violation of the security & welfare of Texans.”
He also offered this analogy that would earn him a D- in remedial English composition:
“It’s like, if someone’s breaking into your house, and the court says ‘Oh, sorry. You can’t defend yourself.’ What do you tell the court?” Roy said. “You tell the court to go to hell, you defend yourself and then figure it out later.”
This is a federal lawmaker, folks. Violence is the inevitable destination of his rhetoric.
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>> It’s hardly surprising that many (most? all?) Border Patrol agents would side with President Of Texas Greg Abbott over actual US President Joe Biden. Nonetheless, this is shocking to read. <<
I won't forget that it was a SWAT team from the BP that shot at us in Portland. I can hardly muster up shock when I've seen them shoot pepper balls straight at peaceful protesters and launch gas canisters down into crowds from overwatch positions 13 stories up which can allow the gas grenades to develop skull-crushing force.
When they leave the border to do that for weeks on end, the idea that they'd rather shoot migrants than process asylum claims is no news at all.
Oh no, not the browns invading again!! I live in El Paso, which I consider the best part of TX because it is majority browns! I am so white I am damned-near translucent, but the rest of this city doesn't hold it against me and all the people I know love living together in this very relaxed, comfortable place. I do have hatred in my heart for Abbott and Paxton and Roy and their ilk!! If they had their way, they would deprive me of most of my doctors, my favorite neighbors, my sister-in-law and my nieces!! Those politicians will all be going straight to hell...I just want them to hurry up and make the trip!! 🤬🤬