They are getting bolder since the tangerine toddler excited them.

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Y'all Queda

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I will send MY LAST NICKLE explicitly aimed at aiding AND/OR abetting the performance AND/OR inducement of an abortion, including paying for or reimbursing the costs of an abortion through insurance or otherwise, ESPECIALLY IF the abortion is performed or induced in violation of this chapter, WITH JOYFUL AND FULL KNOWLEDGE THAT the person ME, MYSELF AND I knew or should have known DEFINITELY KNEW that the abortion would be performed or induced in violation of this chapter YOUR FUCKED UP LAW.


EDIT: Just wondering what would happen if a GoFundMe was set up to pay for abortions in Texas, would every contributor be "vulnerable" under this law?

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The Holy Hand-grenade.

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I mean what the fuck. RUN WITH IT

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What a fucked up law. As far as anti-abortion laws go, I've yet to run into one that wasn't but this one is truly approaching the fucked uppest. This Schaefer guy though, is just fucked upper than most; the kinda GOP stupid to be found in the rural South and we'd never have to deal with his brand of ignorance if it weren't for gerrymandering.

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The right-wing christers in this country are almost exactly the same as the fanatic islamists; both dipshit "faiths" despise gays, treat women like shit, deny evolution, and most science not directly involved with making weapons, deny there is even such a thing as separation of church and state, and hate abortion.

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The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (where Jesus arose from the dead), the Wailing Wall (holiest spot in Judaism) and the Dome of the Rock (where Mohammed ascended to heaven) are all within a quarter-mile of each other. Indeed, the Wailing Wall and the Dome on the Rock abut each other. I saw all three as a sprout, and it has left an indelible impression. The inescapable conclusion for me is that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam worship the same God.

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Hey, Schaefer: It's SHANIA Law, assface. As in "Man, I feel like a woman... should be making her own damn decisions."

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As Jeff Spicoli said, "You dick!!!"

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Naw, it's more like "MY LAW IS THE ONLY LAW!"

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Yep. They walk among us.

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"God-given rights to own a gun" WTF?

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At least it's "virtual".

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