Zombies can work. Currently polls indicate about 40% of the population of the US are zombies.

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But Gov. Jade Helm kept Texas safe from Obama though.

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Nobody on the "get back to work" side is talking about the large number (up to 30%!) of false negatives that are being seen in some states. I find that...interesting and potentially disastrous.

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but did he??? (ominous orchestra hit)

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and they actually check on people that aren't staying in self quarantine, I guess with cell phone data? I saw a story about DPS arresting a guy who went out to play ball with his kid.

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Yeah, they don't actually have the Constitutional authority to do that. The checkpoints are dangerous to the police manning them, and inefficient--health departments are never going to follow up to make sure people are self-isolating, they are kind of swamped at the moment. If we had the ability to conduct rapid testing for the coronavirus, this would make sense, but absent that ability it's just harassment. Not everyone is not going to work (my employer makes food ingredients, why don't you look around your grocery store shelves and then tell us we should be shut) and some people still have a legit need to move across state lines.https://www.washingtonpost....

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Same white hot passion here. I also hate Dan Patrick with the heat of a thousand suns. Nothing has slowed down in my Austin burb. Why re-open what never closed?

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Whether or not I personally would be affected--I don't have any upcoming trips to Texas on my schedule, thank dog--doesn't make it any less unconstitutional, inefficient, unsafe, probably unenforceable, and, frankly, hypocritical.

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And I thought the "who will come to my house to do my hair?' ones were bad in my local groups. D; And our county waited longer than NB to tell us to shelter in place.

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Vacationing on the body farm in San Marcos.

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Most people who have any symptoms can't even get tested here in Texas, especially if they lack one of the typical symptoms, so their actual numbers mean shit. My 14-month old had a prolonged fever, no appetite, and diarrhea which are symptoms for a portion of people, but she had no cough nor any complications requiring hospitalization, so she wasn't tested. So I have no idea if she just had a common rotavirus or not.

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Newsflash: There is a difference between produce and human beings. It is not enforceable in practice, because health departments do not have the resources to follow up on whether people are self-isolating. It is also unconstitutional to target people from specific states, which is why the ACLU has already sent letters to several states telling them to knock it off or they'll see them in court.

Okay, no offence but I'm going to block you now because this conversation has taken up enough of my time. Bye.

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No, bartender should make sure to cough a lot while mixing drinks and opening cans of Bud Lite for the big brave job creators who are willing to take a (corona) bullet for the team.

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Rich people, mixing business with pleasure. Golf ain't a cheap sport and it's got built in discrimination by being private property and "exclusive" clubs, fees and membership requirements. Your Average Joe or minority might luck into the sport by being talented but it's not about skill so much as it's about the experience of being rich, idle and cutting deals on the side.

It's easier to do dirty deals and screw over people when there's less folks to overhear/record and everyone's in on the corruption. At best, it's "social networking" of wealthy people and enjoying their privilege - at worst, it's where they can get away with plotting crimes while risking other people's health for a pittance.

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The Governor's order should only apply to True American Christians who will be protected from the plague by God who, in His wisdom , started the whole thing ..

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