XD!!!! Yeah, after this I'll start teaching my cat some tricks!!

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"...the federal government won’t let states write whatever voting restrictions will keep Republicans stay in power..."

You got an extra word in their, cowboy: s/stay //

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thanks for this. balanced budget amednments actually make no sense.

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stop this noise.

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WI needs to step up mighty quick. they've performed pretty badly for too fucking long.

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dude you are on fire.


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i will keep saying it until i die because no one is paying attention JETPACS WE WERE PROMISED JETPACS AND WE'RE NOT AGING BACKWARDS.


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That is a whole lot of maybe and it seems to depend entirely on self awareness. We are talking about people who, by and large, are positive that Obama is a muslim terrorist and that Sandy Hook never happened, and that they are all Rambo if ever the shit hit the fan.

They'd do none of that. They would, instead, grab their guns and declare war on whomever was handy.

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I just want a tiny mammoth to do my dishes for me.

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This is why I used the phrase "at face value". The idea of a balanced budget without getting into the details sounds like a good thing. Once you get into the details, like the example you and I provided, it's not really a good idea.

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Abbott seems to have completely forgotten that his party believes that the Constitution is perfect, inspired by Jesus and written by Saint Reagan, and can never fail and only be failed. What with this Convention jazz?

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I don't know what the problem is? Succession worked so well in 1861.

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Um, no because we forced the South into the modern era kicking and screaming with the civil rights movement, and that didn't lead to abuse, terrorism, raping, and killing white southerns, and the South started the civil war, when they attacked Union troops at Fort Sumter.

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Segregation was inherently unequal. Laws mandating segregation gave white people an advantage, for simply being white and put blacks at a disadvantage simply for being black, therefor based on a strict reading of the text, it bans segregation.

Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) (USSC+)http://www.nationalcenter.o...

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Yes "I love war and totalitarianism" because as flawed as the Union was back than, my sympathy still lies with it, over the confederacy which fought an entire war to leave the United States, just so human beings, who happened to be black, could be kept as slaves.

Also not allowing white racists to continue to treat black people like dirt, and putting an end to Jim Crow, and the Orwellian, "separate, but equal," yes, how "fascist" of me.

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No its not an evasion of the issue. I'll bet you didn't even read my link about Brown VS Board of education did you?

Also, as far as I'm concerned, yes every single state that mandated racial segregation was violating the constitution. That position is completely mainstream now. Holding the opposite position today, puts you outside the mainstream. Plessy v. Ferguson was a horrible supreme court decision, its at least in the five ten worst supreme court decisions in US history.

You call me a war monger and a supporter of totalitarian. Yet you defend the states' non existent "right" to deny people their rights based on what "race" they happen to be born into, and you defend the Confederacy on the grounds that the Union was just as bad, even though I have provided you will sources that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that their entire motivation for secession was so they could continue to keep a group of people that white Southerners regarded as inherently inferior to them, in bondage.

Also lets not forget that the Confederacy fired the first shots.

You're right. I have no shame when it comes to my opinions on these things, because I have no reason to feel shame. You on the other hand, should educate yourself.

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