great pic. Puts Abbott right where he should be. BTW, as an ex Corp of Engineers inspector, I would say that the razor wire and the buoys are a clear violation of Corps rules, as was the use of an in-water excavator and any other heavy equipment. IMO, helicopters with grapples should pull the offending items out of the river and bank and deposit them in Abbotts residence, with the bills paid by taking police or other security funds from TX. If any resistance, attack helicopters could provide escorts.

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Border Patrol and ICE are both federal agencies — the Biden administration needs to demand these men be released to their families and sue the ever-loving fuck out of Texas and Abbott. There must be something the federal government can do to stop this inhumanity.

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IIRC, the previous policy began with Sessions looking like a Keebler elf who just came in the cookie batter as he announced the plan. Then gaslighting by claiming it was actually an Obama plan followed by more gaslighting as Trump claimed he ended the policy when he didn’t. And finally, the Trump administration arguing in court that is was up to civil rights organizations to reunite the families since they made no effort to track them.

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I thought republicans loved to lecture us about the importance of fathers and that absent fathers were the cause of all of society’s ills.

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I wonder what would happen if U.S. Border Police began arresting Texas police for violating the human rights of people seeking asylum? Might make things lively!

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You mean after they were done crying about what a lawless dictator Biden is?

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I'm late here, but...

Fuck you fucking fucks very fucking much.


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the difference is that when it happened the first time, Nazi comparisons were often dismissed as hyperbole.

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Now that Nazi symbology is showing up in political ads, they may start welcoming the comparisons.

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while most people won't know the symbols but the target demographic sure does.

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The goal is to slowly normalize not just the symbols but the ideas behind fascism/Nazism.

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Dok, I must kindly request that you never again ruin any piece of art, let alone one of my favourite pieces by one of my favourite artists. That's just mean.

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Have you noticed how when decent people talk about slavery in America, one of the really bad parts of that bundle of horrific crimes is the forced separation of families? Where one family member might be sold to the north and one to the south and one kept right here?

I'm just sayin'

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Well how else were the kids going to learn valuable skills?

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> “We don’t want to mess with children, and frankly there’s low value in that,”

What does he mean by "low value"? Low deterrent value? Low political value? Not enough "protection of the Vaterland"? No good photo ops?

What ARE your values, sir?

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“We don’t want to mess with children, and frankly there’s low value in that,” In my estimation there NO value in any of this performative cruelty.

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Abbott's killed somebody already this week with his razor-wire-topped water obstacle. Cruelty on top of cruelty, in the service of nationalistic lies... nothing ever changes where that's concerned in America.

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And the other vile Texan Turd...

Ken Paxton Managed to Delay His Trial on Securities Fraud Charges for Eight Years.

Now It’s Coming Home to Roost.


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He's much nicer, only the male children are to be tossed into the waters.

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1st Male child, ya' know like in the biblez...

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Right! Both the original crime, and the "retribution" (the male children thrown into the waters by Pharoah and then the plague of the firstborn, either way it was rough to be a guy in those days!).

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These people are not Christians, no matter what they claim. Fuck.

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These people are not Christians, no matter what they claim. Fuck.

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