Is Austin State Hospital still operational? I've always noticed an increase in mentally populations around placed that were once catchment areas back when we had MHMR centers. Corsicana had a lot. Mexia had a lot...

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It did... until its funding was cut:

Once a national model, Utah struggles with homelessness

Experts attributed the drop [in homelessness] to a “Housing First” policy, adopted by the state in 2005, which focused on getting people into housing, regardless of mental illness or substance abuse problems that could be treated after accommodation was secured.“The only thing I’ve ever seen that really worked in terms of reducing the number of people on the street was the Housing First policy,” said Glenn Bailey, who directs Crossroads Urban Center, a Salt Lake City food pantry.“The mistake we made was stopping.”

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So there was a big protest here recently against the construction of a Direct Provision Centre (the Irish version of a refugee camp) because they're fucking awful and there were houses standing empty in the town that could be used for accommodation. Of course the usual whingers were out, asking why furriners and "so-called asylum seekers" were being "handed" houses while we have a homeless problem.

And I realised the government - all governments - won't just build enough houses for everyone. There has to be scarcity, otherwise tenants would go elsewhere when landlords jacked up the rent. Meanwhile people are distracted by brown people "getting things handed to them" and the question becomes "why do they get something and I don't" instead of "why isn't there enough for everybody?"

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No, next will be "immigrants and minorities on welfare took all the houses because of the Demmiecrats".

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want to keep Texas red at all costsI disagree. They could lock in the brown conservative xtian vote, black and brown, if they could give up on the racism. That is price they are unwilling to pay.

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You can't build more public toilets! Think of all the manpower required to ensure that transfolk can't take a shit in peace! Police have more important things to do, like shoot black men in their own apartments.

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Welcome to the revolution.

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"why do they get something and I don't" instead of "why isn't there enough for everybody?"This right here is the defining question of our time.

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How is it even fair if we can't give profit prisons tax payer money????For serious though, the answer to "feces on our streets" might just be a few public restrooms.Did...the good governor not consider that? I mean, it's Austin, it would be on their dime, so he should be totes ok with that, right?

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Real talk: I once went to downtown Houston on a Saturday for a symphony performance. I arrived early and really had to pee. Now worries, I thought. I'll just pee at the venue. The concert hall wouldn't let me into the restrooms without first showing my ticket. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten it in my car several blocks away.

As I walked back to my car, bladder aching, I walked up to several buildings hoping to find relief. I kept encountering locked doors. I didn't realize so many business would be closed in the area. I happened upon an open Subway, but the bathroom was cordoned off with chains for some reason.

I eventually got to my car, got my ticket, and headed back. On the way, I encountered a security guard of some variety. I asked him, with barely restrained frustration, if there was any open damned bathrooms.

He told me "No," and then revealed that he himself usually just went in hidden corners.

Build. More. Toilets. FFS.

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And in Texas, no less. I thought people here were all about being wary of government overreach. I guess it doesn't matter if the arm has an "R."

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Didn't 'ol JC say something about "whatever you do to the least of them, you do to me"--maybe Abbott and his buddies need to be sent to remedial Sunday School

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We as a nation need to be much more serious about healthcare and vaccines. Homeless people should also have health care. I realize this is in sane discourse in 2019.

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Luckily all our street flooding sweeps the poo needles away! Sorry, Galveston.

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Here in Texas, guns and Jesus solve everything. Preferably Jesus wielding guns. Anything else is heresy. Besides, people are only homeless because they want to be. They like living on the streets, having no idea where to get food next, hoping people give money instead of spitting at them, etc. It's just exciting.

Or something. I don't understand the mindset despite living here.

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Give these Republican prudes a dirty word to say out loud in public while complaining about Democrats, and it's like a dog with a new bone. They loved yelling "penis!" every chance they got during Bill Clinton's scandal, now they get to yell "feces!"

Added bonus, it sounds so much worse than shit.

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