I too am curioused.

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Everything is stupid and cruel and irresponsible under Trump’s GOP. But I have bad news for them, they picked the wrong year to deny science, ignore experts and doctors, and give in to their idiotic gun-humping, patriotic base by not ordering the wearing of masks. Because this virus doesn’t give a shit about your freedoms and liberties. It will fuk you and everyone you breath on right up. Is it any surprise red states like Texas and Florida are in deep shiznit now? This virus is exposing just how dangerous the right’s philosophies are.

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That’s why they are crying about the re-naming of John “Duke” Wayne Airport, a place thousands of miles away from most of them, because damn if that man didn’t play rugged dudes on screen! Yeah, ok, he was a bit of a white supremacist. But he shooted the bad guys a lot! Pew pew pew! Who do YOU want to name the airport after? Some bleeding-heart liberal who cared for others and tried to make the world better thru sacrifice? Yeah, gross. Pew pew!

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State cops in Oregon don’t need no stinking masks, nor that semi gay governor.


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Technically, Texans, the Second Amendment only gives you the right to carry a gun, not an uncovered virus blowhole.

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We’ve seen the same in Buffalo and NYC.

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I would worry about that 'fine' thing. Rethug cops in minority neighborhoods are going to use it for gold mining. Black and Brown people will suffer under this by overfining just like Ferguson, et al.

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Medicaid. But yeah, it's great. Just hope the fucking governor doesn't fuck it up. Does the vote force the governor to expand it?

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Ha!! 84 tickets! THAT is a riot

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Proctology Industry is in the pocket of Big Hurt on Your Ass

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Yes, and it was written into the Oklahoma Constitution so that it would be harder for the governor to amend it to his "Republican" liking.

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everyone in minority neighborhoods in philly wears masks

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In places like Oklahoma, Texas, and North Dakota, oil still pays the bills for both regular people and the state government. That was a secondary reason why Dear Leader went to Tulsa, so he brag that he saved those jobs and keep those voters coming back for more.

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Wouldn’t it be Big Butthurt?

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I stole this from a Wonker. It really applies to this, especially Texas. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Don't forget to light up your butt and intestines for that virus free finish.

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