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I’m a seventh generation Texan and I fkn hate Gregory Wayne Abbott... he is a fuckin dictator, he is a fuckin bigot, he’s a fucking piece of shit. I fkn hate lookin at his fkn ass….

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I guess it's time to ask each and every member of the Texas National Guard if they're willing to die to protect Governor Abbott's position on the border.

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For people keeping track of these things; we're at the 'Good American', 'I was just following orders' stage of the descent into fascism.

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About time to federalize the Texas National Guard, I’d say. Take away Abbott’s toys.

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Triggered rant, this is why Texas isn't the Southwest. In the desert, nobody leaves you to die no matter what kind of scum you are.

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What's so upsetting for me is this - Texas troops blocked Border Patrol from accessing the area but they themselves were there SO WHY DID THEY NOT HELP THE DROWNING PEOPLE?!?!?!? You just gonna stand there and watch a human being plus two kids literally get swept away and drowned. And it didn't make you drop to your knees in abject remorse and disgust with yourself for NOT HELPING??!?!?! But I guess these are the same people who are OK with carrying out orders that read "push kids and babies back into the river and no water for the ones on land even if it is baking hot" - and not bat an eyelid.

The TMD were there - but they needed a call from Border Patrol to realise people were drowning. You guys don't have EYES or EARS?

No I don't know if that is actually the case and maybe some Texas troops today are being tormented by their consciences (I hope so for their sakes). I don't know because none of them have spoken out about Greg Abbott's atrocities. So it's fine. IT IS ALL FUCKIN FINE. Fuck.

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These people are pro-life.*

* Conditions apply

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Because Texas Patriotism has always been based on killing brown people. Always.

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Was thinking of adding a rant, what border barriers really do is keep the "problem" of rescue on Mexico's side. Unfortunately, they don't knock themselves out for centralamericanos either.

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Don't remember which "Law & Order" episode it was (I stopped watching after Jerry Orbach died), when they debated this: If you push someone off a roof and someone fires a gun out a window and hits the person on the way down, are the pusher and the shooter both murderers? I don't remember the answer, but in our TX example it doesn't matter because Greg Abbott is the sorry POS that drowned the people AND threatened to shoot the rescuers!! MURDERER!! ⚰⚰⚰

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Manslaughter for the shooter probably. This did actually happen- see 'Magnolia' movie.

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These migrants are SO DANGEROUS that they have to be drowned in a river, but the ones who make it across are bussed and flown deep into the country? Do I have that right?

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I don't understand wtf the Biden Administration is waiting for. There is no Texas Mexico border, only USA Mexico. Abbott is no different from Robert E Lee is this situation.

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Gee, I feel so much safer now that this woman and two children are not in the United States.

Couldn't they have just let them in and sent them to California or something?

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More cruelty for its own sake, and downright murder by the Jeebus loving, "pro-life" bastard who runs Texas.

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Can we just do Jade Helm for real and put these vicious assholes down like the rabid dogs that they are?

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I say we carpet-bomb Abbott’s goons with potatoes and then blame it on Idaho. Let them fight it out.

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I'm wondering what would happen if the Border Patrol had just borrowed a couple of tanks and wandered through the gate, destroying it as they went. Would the TMD have started a shooting war?

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A shooting war doesn't sound quite so bad if you're in a tank.

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Exactly. Tank Driver be all "dum de dum dum" rolling through the chain link gate. And then slowly turning the turret towards the sound of the gun fire, all slow motion threatening like.

Pretty sure the TMD laundry would be working overtime on stained pants the next day.

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Perhaps sometime in the future. when "CHRISTIAN VALUES" return to the LAME STAR STATE the park could renamed with the name of the mother and her children. I'm not holding my breath though!

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Why is this being ignored in the press? Where are the churches? These are Christian National Guard allowing a Christian mother and children to die because they hate what she represents. Sick fucks.

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