Good luck; a great way to spend/waste time when you're convalescing is listening to podcasts, one of the more vital sources for comedy these days. James Adomian doing his Bernie Sanders impersonation is wonderful.

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Kasich. He's about as bad as the rest (worse than most for women), but idiots like Chris Matthews still praise him as reasonable.

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I'd prefer the response be "Governors who defy the law are eligible for an all expense vacation at the grey bar motel."

Dream on, right?

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Well, she's very smart and articulate and Does Great Things, but I'm even smarter and have no fear, and I motivate her.

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Best wishes for a quick and full recovery, PG. I'm getting a new hip Monday which is easy compared to your deal. I'll keep commenting while on painkillers though, because I don't know any better.

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Eastern Oregon +Idaho = Spudtucky

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Oh man. I forgot about that part. Well, maybe we can catch it in a humane trap and release it somewhere like redstate or drudge, where they have such a huge surplus of rat dicks, and where half a wit still puts him ahead of roughly 170% of the inhabitants.

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Did I read this right? "the Office of Refugee Resettlement told state officials they would be breaking the law if they denied benefits or services to refugees contingent upon their country of origin or religious affiliation. States that defy the law could face suspension or termination of their refugee resettlement programs."

Now that’s just plain stupid. You don’t punish people for suspending their refugee resettlement program by suspending their refugee resettlement program. This is likesuspending a student for skipping school.

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"States that defy the law could face suspension or termination of their refugee resettlement programs."

The people who crafted this law never imagined that an asshole like Abbott could become a governor. Clearly they were unfamiliar with the One-Star State.

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It's like telling a teenager who doesn't want to eat dinner with the family that he has to sit down or he'll be sent to his room. RIDICULOUS.

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I live in Dallas, and engineers with dark skin is about a third of my coworkers. Ironically Texans have the thinnest skin and the biggest fraidy cats.

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Listen; Texas doesn't need any of your fancy lawyery stuff. Texas is a whole different country with our own constitution that Jim Bowie wrote at the Alamo while riding a bear and fighting Santa Ana with lasers. Texans don't need any of your Jewishy lawyer tricks and fancy book learnin' that you got at some atheist college from hippy pinko professors who smoke pot all day and have homersexual relations. All we need is the Good Book. The Bible clearly states that to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you have to be a Christian and everyone knows that Texas is heaven on Earth.

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I'll be the librul media gives more time to my cousin Jimmy Tex Cooterhead than your relative. He's got a great beard.

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It's odd since we have a SHITLOAD of Pakistani immigrants, Malayisans and other South Asian Muslims. If those Syrians could write code, the businesses here would buy them plane tickets.

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Yeah, I hear all this from my one-and-only Texan friend, it's why I choose not to live there, LOL. Every time he talks about how great Texas is, I think of that line from Hamlet "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

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You're probably right, as long as he doesn't have an Arab-sounding name.

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