Did Kinsbury have electric power? Do they have potable running water now?

I get it: you've basically admitted by implication that you are directly involved somehow either with ERCOT itself, or one of the "power providers" who use ERCOT and the isolated grid gimmick, to "keep the federal government out of their BUSINESSS". ("It's MY JOB!!!!!11111!)

Makes perfect sense that you'd have a vested interest in "defending" a regulatory framework which is specifically designed to *prevent* meaningful regulation, controlling an "isolated" grid which is *also* explicitily predicated on dodging regulation.

Pity this didn't happen back in 1970, when your state had *no* regulations in place. We would likely have been spared Texas' stupid political delusions fucking up the rest of the country.

Your attempts to "defend" ERCOT as a hunky-dory idea, and handwave away the fact that those areas which ARE interconnected to out-of-state grids survived basically intact demonstrates pretty conclusively what I initially said about how Texas "won't learn a damn thing from this" - even if they DO go "Purple" in terms of the presidential elections.

If you *really* want the feds "out of your business", then you should' get the FEMA aid.

You know I'm right.

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Oh yeah, I fergot - there "is" an interconnection (in Lubbock!) - you just don't use it.

Okay, cool. So - if you ride a motor-cycle, get into an "accident" and end up with severe head-trauma because you weren't wearing a helmet as a result - "the helmet wouldn't have helped" - because it is sitting in a box in your closet.

100% of the precautions you *don't take* will fail to protect you.

Just give it up.

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There's a difference between "rolling blackouts" which last for a few minutes to an hour or so)...and "rolling blackouts" which last for days.

Fuck it. The sub-grid (and attendant "FEDZ R Bad! ideology upon which it is predicated) are hella good ideas!

I'm guessing your going to try to defend the lack of zoning laws next by claiming that the 2013 fertilizer plant explosion was a "false flag".

This debacle was a severe blow to several cherished Texas delusions, and y'all won't learn a damn thing from it.

("I'm sick of everybody asking for a DAMN HANDOUT! Where's the FEMA trucks?")

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Uh...true. And the same peckerwood oligarchy that rules texas has a huge hardon for your state too with the support of a 24/7 propaganda via newsmax, oan, and fox news, Sinclair media and the 700 club. Unless major structural changes occur in our electoral system, nothing much will change. And the Dems have only 23 mos in which to address any of it and they do not appear to understand this. It's like watching a Hummer hit a deer in slow motion. Maybe the frog in boiling water thing. Perhaps it's generational. They simply can't conceive of the fact that the other side is trying to turn the whole thing into a fascist, white-supremacy, dictatorship because it maintains their grip on power.

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Nah. Just inevitable.

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I’ve lived in Dallas since 1992.

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I've mostly lived in two states overall - PA and Florida - and in *both*, there was a concerted effort to corrupt whatever the local version of "Fundies" happened to be in that particular area.

In PA, that niche is mostly taken up by Mennonites (Amish typically shun the political process outright), and you'll get situations where Mennonites get all butthurt over the fact that "Darwinism" (IE: Evolutionary theory) is taught in public schools.

Also, the Mennonites tend to *aggressively* hammer on the whole "gender role" thing - weird denominational splits over the design of those head-coverings their women wear, etc.

In Florida, it seemed to be mostly Baptists/Evangelicals = literally all of the folks from that Wednesday night "prayer circle" thingy I mentioned in the other thread were slobberingly Trumpist.

Sad, really.

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As to the other thing: I *really* hope that Biden/Harris don't try to be "bipartisan". (That's a good chunk of what fucked Obama over - every time he tried to play nice with Republicans, they went all "Kenyan Usurper" on him. No way to reason with what passes for the "Right" at this point - as I said, the emergence of Sarah Palin and the "Tea Party" was the inflection point on that.

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Treating m/cycle injuries was a lucrative part of my job ( orthopedic surgeon ) . But if Ontario law allowed ( it doesn't ) riding helmet-free , then I'd take that risk . It could end up being a cost imposition on my fellow citizens ( ' though not as much as , for example , skiing or smoking ) . Freedom to take risks seems important to me . Denunciation of ' biker assholes who whine ' comes across as virtue-signalling sourness .

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My point was: go ahead and take the risk - but then don't come *begging for pity-points* if it goes wrong.

This is evidently one of the things that differentiates me from a lot of other "Liberals" or "leftists" or whatever: I don't view everyone as "innocent victims", or every instance of urging personal responsibility or forethought or suchlike as "victim-blaming".

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Did it ever occur to you that "being different" for the sole purpose of dodging federal regulation - and the begging for FEMA aid - is hypocritical?

Stop trying to olish the turd - it won't work. There is simply too much footage of this collossal fuckup for anybody to be able to retcon it as anything other than (at best) an abysmal failure on the part of Texas. You didn't want the feds "in your business" (to quote Ricky), so you built a weird, largely-isolated power grid - which you then failed to even bother regulating at the STATE level until 1970.

Gonna be honest: I almost wish things had turned out worse, and the ERCOT grid would have blow itself to hell. THEN nobody would be able to lie about how ERCOT was a great idea because "Freedumb".

Stop even trying to defend the indefensible.

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Wasn't intending to. Or didn't you "read all the words"?"

Honestly, nobody in their right mind would even contemplate going to Texas for any reason *other* than to save your asses from your own (abysmally bad) electrical grid design-choices.

(Oh wait that's right - it wuz da windmillz!)

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And what the fuck is calling me "Madam Taint Warts" exactly, hmm?

This is truly pathetic: if your grid was so fucking awesome, then why was it "seconds or minutes" from sustaining massive amounjts of physical damage?

Face it: Texas dodged a bullet (yet again) - and will now be showered with FEMA aid - which will allow what passes for the Texas state "government" to go right back to exactly the sort of "benign neglect" which caused this shitfest in the first place.

Have fun with the next self-inflicted humanitarian crisis, btw.

And just to clarify: hen I said that I was "pretty sure that 90% of Texas looked about the same", I was referring to the whole "no power, no water, no heat" fiasco - NOT that everything looked like "Von Ormy" (junked cop cars in the former mayor's yard? Seriously? That's fucking impressive.)

Don't really have to "dunk on Texas" - your power oligarchy already did that.

Bye now. :)

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There's really no excuse for the "Texas Grid" to exist at all - especially since the only reason that it is isolated is so Texas can *dodge* Federal regulations.

Maybe they don't want FEMA "all up in their business", either.

(To clarify: I genuinely feel bad for the hapless victims of this fiasco - but until and unless Texas gives up on the "Laissez-Fairytailes" which led them to isolate their grid in the first place - nothing will improve, and something like this (or worse) *WILL* end up happening again.

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Nuh uh, it wuz da windmillz!

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Judging by recent events, the "average municipal government" probably doesn't have reliable water.

1. The problem is your State's (abysmally stupid) attempt to dodge federal regulations - which has now gone to shit in a very public manner.

2. The *solution* would be to do what the 47 other contiguous states have already done. Hell, the fact that El Paso didn't turn to shit should bell you something, but nooo......

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