BS. "Freaking out" is not going to change anything. Shooting across the border is horrible, as is Abbotts's actions with the river barrier. The DOJ moves at its pace, and not at the pace of people acting like headless chickens because real life is complex.

Not "everybody was yelling DO SOMETHING in panic" with Trump. Some of us have KSAs about how things work. We tried to tell you. Perhaps one day you may get a clue.

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It's Mexican season apparently.

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The idea of Zaddy Jack investigating Abbott makes me all tingly!

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What makes Texas think they can determine who is trespassing? Trespassing is a crime against the property owner. It depends on who is allowed on the property, the state has no say. The difference between an awesome party and a trespassing mob is how the property owner feels about it.

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"On the night of 26 August, a National Guard Servicemember assigned to Operation Lone Star discharged a weapon in a border-related incident. The incident is under investigation. More information will be made available as the investigation progresses."

Every time I read a quote like this, I'm picturing the cops from Idiocracy...

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That's the spirit! Only wusses wait until the invading hordes actually cross the border.

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The shooter learned nothing watching The Tree Burials of Melquiades Estrada?

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as though what dude was doing *in Mexico* mattered.

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If they ever find that guy who promotes open borders, they're gonna have a field day. They keep saying it's "all of us stinky commie liberals" but I don't know a single person who advocates for open borders.

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I’m struggling to think of any justification for a Guardsman to shoot someone standing across the border. They aren’t an immediate threat, and the mission is to apprehend people crossing illegally. Nothing involves discharging weapons for any reason other than immediate threats.

Also, gonna mention that most Guardsmen joined because it’s part-time and they wanted to have lives outside service. If they wanted full-time military service they’d have joined full-time military. This “mission” has been one giant shitshow of a political stunt that has ruined the lives of many Guardsmen, in addition to asylum seekers. And the Texas NG leadership isn’t owning any accountability for their incompetence and asskissing failures. Kinda like the Republicans running that state, it’s zero accountability and lots of lip service. The DOJ is suing Texas for this circus, but justice is slow, if it happens at all. Texas can’t keep being allowed to run itself like their own country, if for no other reason than the risk of international incident, because other countries recognize them as a state, and therefore the US. And here we are...

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Nah, bruh. Governor Wheelz McDumbAss is as untouchable as Mark Meadows..

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The more I read about it the more it seems like it should really be called Operation Lone StAR-14.

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Beau's take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a29WeAk12Z0

> The most likely explanation is that a National Guard troop, assigned domestically to someplace (that realistically, they didn't need to be) having live ammo (that realistically, they didn't need to have) had a negligent discharge, and it crossed the border and struck someone. If that is the case, everybody who is even remotely connected to any of these organizations needs to be ready for a whole lot of safety briefings. That's the best case scenario, based on the reporting -- again, the reporting might be off.

> The worst case scenario is that we are going to find out that they have been firing over the heads of people. In which case, I would expect that some of them will end up in custody. I don't think they're going to be able to sell that they think that was a lawful order.

> ...

> This is a situation in which a domestic deployment with the National Guard may end up causing an international incident. Either way, Operation Lone Star, which has been the subject of a lot of reporting, is probably about to come under the microscope.

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"Someone please wake Merrick Garland."

If Merrick Garland does not want to use his Justice Department perhaps he could loan it back to some of us who want to use it to enforce some laws in the south and southwest. I have a growing tick list of issues I have with this Administration, and his lack of clarity on issues impacting Latino voters is one of those items. I'll vote Dem come November because the alternative is Hitler but I am increasingly disenchanted with the Administration. Me asking "what's in it for us" may be viewed as selfish...but what's in it for us?

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Strip Texas of its Federal funding. Send the trigger happy dipshit to Leavenworth

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Federalize the Texas Guard and send them to Alaska for training and to guard polar bears.

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He thinks because he married a Mexican he’s entitled to freely expouse his sheer hatred without consequences to migrants seeking a better life .

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