You forgot the police, or is that what you meant by "locals"...

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To all you fans of fear:

Your penis doesn't get any bigger because you have a gun, and I don't want to see either.

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I'm never leaving campus again. The server room's fire-proof doors stop bullets, btw.

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We also have 25 million people. So our raw crime rate is going to be higher than, you know, basically everywhere. Not to say the state is not just full of crimes- it is! Oh, god, it is. Just, you know, numbers. They have meaning.

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<i>"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, LOL."</i>

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Gay gun marriage? Mausers marrying Lee-Enfields? (Just imagine the bolt-on-bolt action...)

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What's next, the right to marry your gun? Where will it end people?

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They are about 2 steps from giving every 18-year-old a Colt revolver and gun belt instead of a diploma when they graduate high school.

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This will be awesome. Now every mental health candidate and religious zealot can also open carry. Plus all non-whites will also be allowed to participate.

When this bill passes I think we'll take a few extra hours of training on gun shot wound treatment at the fire station.

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Unless you're black, of course .....

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FFS doesn't even <b><i>begin</i></b> to cover it!

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Let's take DBB's notion a step further, and just give every citizen of the One-Star State a goddamn AR-15, and encourage them to lug the fucking things around all day, every day. I bet these gun-fondling assholes, who get their hard-ons from parading around with their killing machines, would suddenly get nervous if they suddenly found themselves surrounded all day, every day, by dozens of heavily armed strangers, any one of them capable of killing anyone else if the voices in his head demand it. Whatever the prevalence of severe paranoid schizophrenia is, that's the chance you'd run into a potential "bad guy with a gun" -- and there's a 50:50 chance he'll be behind you. Texas would become a great place to sell Rolaids (and Valium), and maybe people could run for office on a platform that calls for fewer guns on the sidewalks and streets.

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That's why they need their guns, doh. (Cause and effect are often indistinguishable under wingnut logic.)

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<a href="http:\/\/www.dallasnews.com\/news\/metro\/20140820-huey-p.-newton-gun-club-leads-open-carry-rally-in-south-dallas.ece" target="_blank">Here's your team. </a> Clearly not what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but what the heck ... give 'em a call!

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"Allowed", yes . . . but the instant death penalty roulette takes some of the fun out of it.

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Wal-Mart will open up a new Personal Armor aisle. (Or do they have them already in Texas?)

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