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Just pay Ken Cuccinelli your Shootin' Folks Insurance premium first...

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No, because the ownership of the actual ground the incident takes place on might be in question. Therefore, if they are "standing a public intersection" they can only prove tenuous ownership at best, by being a taxpayer or something. Your car, however, is quite provably yours. Advantage: Car-Standers. So you might die, too, but you "win."

As far as I'm conscerned that's at least as legitimate of an interpretation as ignoring the first half of the second amendment is.

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When certain kinds of fanatic fans, for example "Apple Fanboys," go around showing off and jabbering endlessly about their shiny iProducts in public, people usually correctly identify those types as "douchebags."

Hare Krishnas used to bother people in airports. People did not regularly say "that is so great, look at them expressing their First Amendment Freedoms."

Imagine if Furries decided to descend on streetcorners, wearing My Little Pony suits and passing out Pony slash-fic to every motorist unlucky enough to make eye contact with them. People would pretty much say "get the fuck away from me, weirdo."

But no, ammosexuals, it's a <i>totally</i> good look on <i>you. </i> Please, keep it up.

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Please, no one say "Florida, you're up." We are the one state that can be counted on to out-dumbass Texas on any given issue. Ok, maybe also Mississippi is in there. And Georgia...and Alabama....

Fuck, why does Massachusetts have to be so cold and expensive.

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In NY, only windshield washers approach cars at stoplights. If they're armed in any way, they will be run over by the driver. The level of stupidity in this is appalling.

An unknown person approaches your car with a weapon visible? In NY, that's called target practice.

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As a Texan and gun owner these SFBs (shit-fer-brains) are another embarrassment. But the funny-ha ha is they are protesting in Senator Diane Patrick's legislative district. If the fine people of Arlington want her to deal with this at the State level, they are pretty well screwed. Diane co-sponsored a bill allowing guns in vehicles on campuses as well as conceal-to-carry in classrooms, and UT-Arlington is in her district. So good luck with that fine people of Arlington. You're getting exactly what you voted for.

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I would prefer someone handing out Shakespeare

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Ford wins over AR-15 almost every time.

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If I had a particularly loud stereo I would crank up some machine gun sounds. To paraphrase another Wonketariat member, it would be like throwing a ping pong ball into a room full of mousetraps

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Surprising, really, that Judd Aptow or whatever his name is hasn't come out with a 7 Dwarves sequel yet - starring Seeping, Bleedy, Canker, Rancid, Snotty, Loogie, and Cruz.

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The Bungler Games.

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Gun advocates have argued that crime has gone down over the past 20-30 years as the number of guns has increased. But what has also increased in the past 20 -30 years? Video games. Violent movies. Rap music. Boner pill ads. On-line porn. My weight. If correlation is causation, perhaps those things are causing a decline in crime.

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Silly Texans. More guns make us safer. That's why only 30,000 people die each year from guns in America. Compared to 9/11, that's only ten times more.

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These people are gonna get somebody killed, because sooner or later a person or people will panic. And then they'll stand there, crying crocodile tears, saying that they cannot possibly be at fault.

They can go to hell for all I care.

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Many years ago, when I lived in the Dallas area, Nation of Islam would hand out literature at stop lights, although not to white devils like me. I just hope that NOI and Open Carry don't choose the same light.

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