No, but we can guess.

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And cheap, cheap beer.

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They're the ones that get *real* emotional.

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Do buybacks. Australia and Canada did.

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They don't have bear arms tho.

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We once had a (flawed) law regulating "assault weapons".Mass shootings went down, some.Republicans made sure that law went away.Mass shootings went up.

It's like the tides, or magnetism. Can't explain it.

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If you want to do more than a little meth, then you need to overpay for it legally, like the "president" ostensibly does!

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Yeah, the ephedrine was originally taken out because of being a meth ingredient. Then the pseudoephedrine that replaced it was found to work as well as an alternative ingredient in meth, and that led to Bush Jr. signing into law regulation of it.

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I once didn't turn left fast enough at a green light and the car behind me sped up to meet up with me, driver started screaming at me, then sped ahead and got in front of me and kept braking to try to get me to crash into her. If I tried to pass her, she'd swerve in front of me. And she even blocked an intersection to keep me from going. If she'd had a gun, I'm pretty damn sure she would have pulled it out and shot at my car. She was already trying to kill me with her car. I ended up driving 70 in a 40mph zone to finally get past her and away.

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Oh hell yeah he sure did.

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Do we know anything about his history with women?

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Osama bin Wonden

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by Jay a Dickey congressgunnosegshual from Arkansauce. FIFY

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"The genie is well out of the toothpaste tube, so we can never seal that barn."

Forget mixing your metaphors, Dok, you straight up pureed them!

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Which is why I refuse to live in any state in which I have to feel embarrassed by my representatives. The people that I’ve hired to look out for me, my friends’ and neighbors’ best interests based on actually knowing enough to know how to do it well.

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