There's always Willie Nelson -- a strong argument for permitting the state to exist.

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and of course, brazil is actually doing quite well right now thank you. weathered the global meltdown far better that good ole us america.

and prettier.

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i have al jazeera bookmarked. i like to conspicuously display it when wingtard friends visit.

oh wait, no that never happens. i don't have any of those friends.

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so reading between the lines here, it seems that texas is like an advanced breed of orcs that were spawned out of mud.

i'm good with that.

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Word. The only way a teacher can move from the classroom to the main office is by having every shred of decency surgically removed. (I've had some bad experiences - ymmv)

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Next time I sign a Michele Bachmann petition, it's going to be "Al E. Cat."

Or, to really freak 'em out, "Ali Kat."

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Brown person Brazilian, brown person Ay-rab. Po-ta-to, po-tah-to.

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"Taking pictures at Texas high school football games is unlawful? Since fucking when?"

Boom. And that's how you push back, Brazilian guy.

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Texans like their football with more head trauma.

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They call it "The One Star State" for a reason.

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Not to mention "Al Franken", "Al Gore" and "Al Bania". But they loves them the "Al Ammo" and "Al Yukoneet".

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Can we not bomb Brazil? I was kind of hoping to take a trip there some day.

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We should send Flavor Flav to ask people what they think about 9-11.

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I can appreciate their apprehension. That whole 9/11 thing happened in the United States of America. Texans try not to get too involved in foreign affairs.

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