Our only Texas hire so far works in sales, he is an utter moron but the ladies like him and he moves product. Problem is, he has the typical John Wayne personality flaw, in that he never asks questions when he runs into a technical problem. So about half of our tech support team at any given time is fixing problems he caused or allowed to fester and our engineering team is explaining to our customers that our products do not in fact give free blowjobs.

He is not a religious though, might even be an atheist but it is rumored he still does not believe in evolution. Beat that!?!

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The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector.

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Holes in hands = less air resistance = more hand speed = a REAL smackin' when he lays his hands upon thee!

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Yeah! We got Jesus shoved down our throats all the time......AND WE LIKED IT.

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Just as long as no one speaks in Spanish.

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He doesn't mention high school gymnasiums, or high school football stadiums. If you don't read it literally, you can't be a fundamentalist.

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Ah, but that is where the LORD's spirit comes in and informs you of the context and true meaning of the scripture.

Trust me, they've got a come-back for any line of reason or logic you care to throw out there. You. Cannot. Convince. Them.

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Only forty!?! What happened to 70 virgins? Is that market down too?

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I understand the game, but what are the drinks for?

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<a href="http:\/\/www.geocities.com\/denniverse\/MAX\/bushprayverse.jpg" target="_blank">Indeed.</a>

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Off topic, but Dr. Kevorkian died.

And today is apparently going to be "point out irony where there is none day" for the nation's headline writers and news anchors.

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<i>Biery’s ruling would allow a student to “bend over in honor of Mecca,” but not lead a prayer to the Christian God.</i>

I know what all those words mean individually but I'm unable to detect any sort of logic from the way they're combined in that sentence.

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Five will get you ten, it's going up the ass of the person who's raising such a huge ruckus over making a show of praying to him, in public.

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<i>...North Texas-based Liberty Institute, a nonprofit that describes itself as seeking to limit government and promote Judeo-Christian values...</i>

Nope, no contradiction THERE....

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There is a difference between kneeling down and bending over.

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i bet that agnostic kid didn't have a very good time in high school in texas.

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