I was paying at the register in a restaurant when the power went out just after the cashier rang up my bill. The cash drawer was open, I paid with a twenty, then told the cashier how much change I should get back, because, with the power off, the register didn't tell her what the change would be, and she didn't have a clue.

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In other "Everything I don't like is the worst thing ever" news: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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There is nothing I could say about my feelings re: Abbott’s dumbass order that I haven’t said before, or which someone hasn’t posted below. Biden summed it up well when he told GQP governors to help, or get out of the way. If Abbott doesn’t want to issue a statewide mask mandate, fine; but don’t prohibit local governments & school districts from doing what’s best for their communities. Claiming that individual Texans have the common sense to choose for themselves doesn’t really apply to a highly contagious & potentially deadly disease; even less so when we’re talking about children under 12 yo.

I can only hope that legal proceedings drag out long enough. As Dok noted, both the judges in Bexar (pronounced “bear” & home to San Antonio) and Dallas counties are Temporary Restraining Orders, which can only stay in effect for up to 14 days. At that point, the courts must hold a Temporary Injunction proceeding, which is an evidentiary hearing in which witnesses testify under oath & documentary evidence is presented. If a TI is granted, it remains in effect until a final trial on the merits. Of course, TX can appeal the granting of a TI to the respective appellate courts, which for San Antonio, Dallas, & Houston are populated with mostly DEM judges. Although TX can request expedited appeals, the courts could slow-walk such requests. Assuming the appellate courts uphold the TIs, they would go to the all-GQP Tx Supreme Court, which would probably side with Abbott, but it’s possible it could take a while.

The main problem for Abbott is that I can’t see how a ban on mask mandates advances a compelling state interest, whereas the local jurisdictions can likely present lots of evidence as to why they should be allowed to impose mask requirements for the health & safety of their constituents, particularly for children under 12, the immuno-compromised, etc.

One final note: there is no guarantee that the judges who granted the TROs would also be the judge deciding whether to grant a TI. In Harris County (Houston), requests for TROs are heard by an ancillary judge, whereas the TI hearing would be conducted by the trial court, which is rarely the same judge. In Bexar County, the system in place when I was practicing was to have a “hearing judge” for all preliminary matters, so you never knew who you would get. I never had a TRO/TI proceeding in Dallas, so I’m not sure how they handle it.

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Look at a county level map of TX. There's 10,000 of the little buggers. I imagine they're all staffed by Louis Gohmert level petty tyrants. Looks like a dumb way to run a state. However as I am a CA in the midst of this stupid recall I really can't throw stones.

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Out here it is an oft-repeated line by repubs that Gavin Newsom simply enjoys making people do things like wearing masks. As usual Greg Abbott and Ronald McSantis are the ones who get off on controlling people for no good reason. Always the projection with these pukes.

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Once again it is confirmed that DeSantis and Abbot are sociopaths; they did not anticipate so many parents, lower level politicians, judges, and school administrators would support protecting the children. Since they have no empathy, they have no understanding of others. Since they do not understand others, they can only project when trying to predict, control, or explain the behavior of others. Like now, sociopaths are often completely taken by surprise.

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The virus comes in, the profits go out. No one can explain that!

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What's Abbott or De Satan going to do if school boards and local governments just ignore their executive orders? They can't physically rip the masks of people's face.

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It's "freedom" to allow those who care least about the risks of their actions to do as they choose and make everyone else get out of the way. Obviously there are limits to where you want to curtail individual freedoms but, Jesus, facemasks in a pandemic don't seem to be it.

I hate this country's unwillingness to put collective effort into preventing things and instead forcing individuals to deal with catastrophic consequences.

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And spreading disease.

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Don't give them ideas😵

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When is he going to ban ears so that people can't wear masks?

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DeSantis takes the slur "wetback" literally!

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Better masked than intubated!

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Does the ban on mask mandates also apply to judicial courts?

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Imagine if these people who talk about "freedom" and complain that face masks are 'tyranny" had to deal with a genuine tyranny.Imagine, also, if they faced the kind of horror Londoners faced during the Blitz.Hell, they'd probably complain that blackout requirements were "tyranny" as bad as Hitler's and they weren't going to turn off their lights because stubbing their toes in the dark violated their freedoms.They might also claim the Luftwaffe didn't really exist and German bombs were fake news and it was all caused by exploding gas mains instead. Wouldn't amaze me. And I wouldn't mind being able to send them back there in Doc Brown's DeLorean to test my speculation.

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