Yup.He boarded someones boat without permission and robbed the people on it at gunpoint.His brothers were crazy, but the fun kind of crazy.This guy...was the scary as fuck kinda crazy.

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God told my daughter she deserves a pony. She just told me.

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According to the San Antonio Express-News, the jury foreman said, "You've got to respect him for what he did. He went with his conscience." No, I don't.

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How would God have time for this idiot when He's busy stealth impregnating unsuspecting Jewish girls against their will?

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It's Texas! Where the "governor" (ahem… Rick Perry LOL!) Publicly prays for rain in a stadium. So what did you expect?

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"Honey,; since "god" told you you deserve a poney, ask him to buy you one."

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Everbody! Meet Der Trümpfer's next pick for the Supremes!

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Oh dear God no!

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Better than this. Even someone like Rick Perry would probably know better than to interfere with jury proceedings and tell everyone that God told him to.

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Chuck Tingle is a gifted writer, that's why.

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Jimmy Breslin's Book 44 Magnum is the best on S of S

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Just experience. One of my cousins in Florida was "A man in Florida..." several years ago.

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I'd be surprised if Texas's rules on the conduct of judges didn't specify that judges cannot speak to jurors outside of the presence of attorneys for both the prosecution and defense except with their explicit permission. This is absolutely a violation of judicial conduct as I've understood it for the last 35 years.

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Way back in 2010, I attended the Stewart/Colbert rally in DC. Afterward, we had a nice party. One of my friend's signs read, "God Talks to You? There's Medication for That."

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Well, I think this is a lead-up for the judge to run for US Senate. Trying to out-God Ted Cruz.

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