I'm hearing about long lines in Austin for early voting.

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And if California slides into the ocean

Like the mystics and statistics say it will

I predict this motel will be standing until I pay my bill

Warren Zevon, Desperadoes Under the Eaves

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As I understand it in most of the US if you are in the queue to vote before closing time then you are entitled to vote. It does not matter how long that queue is or who long its take for it to finish.It is, of course, not practical for many people to stand in a queue for hours waiting to vote, but you can and you are entitled to do it.

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Members of the corps/ All hate the thought of warThey'd rather kill them off by peaceful meansStop calling it aggression/ (We hate that expression!)We only want the world to know/ That we support the status quo...

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Native Badger (thru college) here: Please do try. I grew up with Nelson and Proxmire, and this moron golddigger makes me [redacted].

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Sigh. Because, Texas wasn't always red. When I was growing up, if a candidate won the Democratic primary, their winning the election was assured. While the last time the state went blue for a President was in 1976, Democratic dominance in lower level elections persisted until the 1990's or so. This "all red all the time" business is a fairly recent iteration of Texas politics.

Keep in mind too that the large urban areas are blue, with the best example being the Harris County blowout of Republican office holders in 2018. It is the large number of sparsely populated rural counties that keep the state in the red column.

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Worst case?

Till Wonkette had it, we had to look in the overseas news in order to read about it:


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I'm a poll worker, and you are correct. As closing time approaches, a worker goes outside and stands near the end of the line. At closing time, the worker stands at the end of the line, and no one may get in line behind them, but EVERYONE ahead of them may vote, regardless of how long it takes.

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Also, most game tastes much better if it ages a bit rather than if it's eaten the day it's killed.

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It's kind like republicans and abortion. Sure abortions are legal it's just that there's NO PLACE TO GET ONE because they've shut 'em down.

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I love the fact that they used the word "autopsy". That means they know they're already dead.

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This is because the courts told them no, they could not fucking be racist dicks, stop it.Solution: just close down the polling places!

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much easier to cheat

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What Ruth said. White men didn't start us on agriculture.

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That is the way it works downunder too. Does not matter how long the line is or how long it takes, they all get to vote if they were in the queue before closing time. If that queue is 2 hours long then the electoral commissioner fucked something up, but that should not disenfranchise an elector.The kicker there is that opening the ballot boxes and counting the votes cannot happen until they are all cast.

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Typical legislature attitude, actually. "You elected me to do what I want." BS is too nice a term for such a term of BS. And yet we keep doing it.

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