you really need to dial back on the "well, actually". I'm sorry you can't handle me showing you evidence that it very much is a site that can be trusted and that you can't see me repeatedly telling her I did believe that message was popping up for her, but that was a testament to the pigs who support the bullshit. after I went and got all those links for you and told you where on those pages you could find the same link I'd provided and you just WHOOSH flew right past it without a single bit of acknowledgment and how many times she told me to go fuck myself before I responded in kind, I feel no inclination to even be slightly polite to you.

you could have merrily not gotten involved, but here you are anyway.

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I did read it. you said, "First, please check the link you posted." as if I had not done so in the first fucking place. don't know how you keep missing that.

fuck you for keeping insisting that the fault has to lie with you or me. your tantrum is not cute. your use of flagging because you got yourself in a snit and would not stop is harassment. you're the one who chose to get worked up instead of reading all the words.

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Sorry. You're right in that you took the time and trouble to provide a number of useful links and I actually did appreciate that.

But then you had to go say this:

why neither of you were motivated enough in your righteous indignance toward me to just check to see if any of the organizations I listed had a link to the same site is beyond me....and that just completely negated any goodwill I had for you at that point. Because, again, that was me presenting some neutral information as a mostly-disinterested third party, no indignation involved.

Also, since you seem to be WHOOSHing past things yourself, let me again say it's returning a certificate error, which is not caused by Tilly the TERF submitting a complaint that the website is a scam. It's likely a completely innocuous error in a setting somewhere. But it's still a legitimate error.

Finally, since I did not get up this evening thinking to myself, "Gee, I think I'd like to get caught up in a discussion with someone who seems to be going out of their way to come across as an asshole", yes, I am regretting getting involved. And so good night to you.

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I'd already provided enough information for you to go to those sites and see for yourself as well as screenshots of what I get when I click on it. you negated any goodwill by jumping in with your "well, actually"--especially when I'd already provided that information on which orgs were involved with creating the site and screenshots. it did not come off as "disinterested third party with no indignation involved" when the fact of the matter was that I never said the error message was a fault on 2cats part or that I didn't believe 2cats was receiving that message. I went out of my way to tell 2cats that the message was not their fault repeatedly. the error on 2cats part was accusing me twice in a row for not having checked the site--not for the message 2cats received. it could be innocuous--as you said. I'm used to it happening when we're linking a site a lot--like right now--and assholes are flagging it. doesn't mean 2cats had to get their nose out of joint about it. and it doesn't justify you deciding to make the exact same mistake in not seeing that I believed they were receiving that message, but I knew it was a good site.

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Mel Brooks is Governor of Texas, now with new identity?

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Speak for your own house, Tony! My family makes me use the jar in the back yard. :(

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It's a matter of being realistic. If my candidate is running a long shot race, and I go around saying "we will win this" everyone on the team will put a lot less stock in anything else I say we can achieve. Play to win, do everything possible to win, but don't set yourself up for despair if you do lose, because sometimes it takes several tries to break through. Demographics change, politics change, and Texas can become blue. Just be real about the headwinds we're facing.

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Yep--people who vote this year are more likely to vote again in 2024, and 2026--they're already on the registration rolls, know how to get a ballot, etc. And the campaigns thus gain more info. Keep building the machine, reach more voters, etc.--see it as part of a multicycle project. Plus, who knows? Something big can break this year that no one expected, and Beto could pull off an upset.

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Yeah, he really needs to find something more productive to do that lose elections to pathetic Republican incumbents.

I’ve been hearing “Texas is gonna turn blue any day now, just you see” for what, twenty, thirty years? It’s not going to happen in my lifetime, that’s for sure.

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At the very least, it will force the rethugs to blow way more cash to protect the incumbent. And that's fungible money that can't be used for other nefarious stuff.

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Every time I see that picture I see Hedley Lamarr

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Thank you for that really smart, useful explanation! Much appreciated.

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You’re welcome! (Tips hat.)

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the second it is most profitable for him to do so, and not a second sooner

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do not make gods of men, and you will never become shattered by them

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are we to take this as manchild has finally cashed in his D card?

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