"I don't care if you are deaf, I don't speak sign language, get it?"

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Great thing about the East Coast -- all we have spittin' into our tacky tacos are Greeks and Puerto Ricans.

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Nah, musta been the German bean sprouts.

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I lived next door to Texas, in Oklahoma for 20 years (our motto-- Just as ugly, but quieter), and if'n you left it twelve years back you ain't missed shit.

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Hereditary Succession, followed by Secession.

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A young woman from China started working my office. One morning, thanks to the google, I was able to greet her with a friendly "nee how mai mai" which literally means "Hello little sister". She started laughing then explained that phrase was a way of flirting in China.. Lesson learned, though I'm unclear why it was so funny that I might flirt. After that she called me Mr. Qing Wa, (青蛙) which probably means "handsome and intelligent".

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It could have been better, he could have asked the hombre how long his family has lived in America. For most native Mexicans, the answer is "at least 10,000 years".

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I really hope this makes it all the wayh to Rick Perry's desk. If he doesn't sign it, his dreams of getting the Republican presidential nomination are over. If he does sign it, his career in Texas is over. And, even better, if he signs it and is the 2012 nominee, the Republicans will have lost the Hispanic vote FOREVER, a la Goldwater in 1964 and African-Americans.

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when i was growing up, speaking another language was considered an important part of being a cultured educated american.

oh, right.

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Este perro esta muerta desde julio de 2009. No se si fue en un centro de detenccion de ICE.

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Actually, we whiteys are already a minority. That tipping point was reached about 4 years ago.

Another Wonketter succinctly captured my thoughts about Senator Harris using one word: pendejo.

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Same hood, different day.

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Chris Harris is another religous sealot ball sack from Arlington. Arlington is home to the Cowboy Stadium, Ranger Stadium and 6 Flags so needless to say, traffic pretty much sucks everyday of the year in Arlington. It's the hole for the buckle of the Bible Belt.

What kind of hole is Chris the ball sack?

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Senator Speak-Ah-D-English was just looking for something to mow his yard and raise his children. No offense was meant.

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