First off, the Demoncrats should have called it Health <i>Insurance</i> Reform. It would be more accurate.
Second, there&#039;s more than a little xenophobia floating around. Illegal immigrants are ruining everything. Moslems are ruining everything. The Kenyan is ruining everything.
America is a weird and wonderful place, but these people think it is Hell.
All I can think of is it&#039;s BIG GUMMINT, it&#039;s too complicated to really describe in a sentence, and we had so many looks at the sausage-making involved that everyone was heartily sick of it by the time it came out.
But who&#039;s going to stand up and introduce a law banning Sharia law? The last thing Texas needs is to have adulterers publicly stoned!
Republican cries of &quot;They&#039;re taking our jobs!&quot; needs to be heard more often on election day.
She is a Riddle, wrapped in a mystery in an enigma, wrapped in a delusion, wrapped in bullshit.
First off, the Demoncrats should have called it Health <i>Insurance</i> Reform. It would be more accurate.
Second, there&#039;s more than a little xenophobia floating around. Illegal immigrants are ruining everything. Moslems are ruining everything. The Kenyan is ruining everything.
America is a weird and wonderful place, but these people think it is Hell.
I listened to that series. Writing legislation for profit is the newest hot industry apparently.
Only HALF? What&#039;ll they do w/ the rest, hunt &#039;em for sport?
All I can think of is it&#039;s BIG GUMMINT, it&#039;s too complicated to really describe in a sentence, and we had so many looks at the sausage-making involved that everyone was heartily sick of it by the time it came out.