A few years ago the husband fish & I visited Nova Scotia. Several of the folks that ran the B&Bs we stayed at mentioned that the Maritime Provinces liked the idea of joining up with New England. They felt the Maritimes were fed up with being ignored by the rest of Canada and that New Englanders seemed to fed up with the rest of U.S.

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Doin' my best. :-\\

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You betcha! No way the Decessionists or whatever you'd call them would want East St Louis.

Or Chicago, with its thug Irish politicians like Barry O'Bama.

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And people say the Germans have no sense of humor....

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That there is the whole problem. United is just a code word for Socialist. It should be replaced with something less commie, like, say, Confederated.

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To keep things simple, I suggest Nottexastan.

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If that's the case, please add Maine to the list you <strike>maverick</strike> horse's ass.

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Bluest state in the Union. IL is welcome, as long as it leaves behind a couple counties on the Indiana border and that Blago guy.

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Aren't those all the states where Mitt owns houses?

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Does Patterson know that "America" is short for the <b>United</b> States of America?

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And without all the jerbs at these US&A-owned <a href="https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/List_of_military_installations_in_Texas" target="_blank">facilities</a>.

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Who wants to be Military Governor of Tejas?

Let's see: first, we're going to instruct all those "schools" on the difference between football and education.

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