Perhaps ferret-haired senators from KY might think twice before lipping off to their neighbor.

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"We shouldn't presume that a group of experts somehow knows what's best for everyone."

Anybody who would say this is unreachable.

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He probably wears that shirt in the hopes that the virus will die laughing before infecting him.

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On a more shallow note, who the hell let him go out in public wearing that shirt? Or is it the uniform of idiocy?

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Yes, but there's quite a difference between "very old and quietly in my sleep" and "killed by right-wing fuckwittery."

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I was sure you were going to end that with "screaming in panic like his passengers"

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This Texan will vote blue ALL the way down!

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"We've had 2,224 people die, and New York has had over 31,000," he bragged. "Even California has had almost three times as much as Texas, and remember, Laura, those two states have been locked down the whole time, while we haven't. So locking down doesn't work. If it did, those two states would be doing better than Texas."Yeah, I wanna see an independent body analyze Texas' mortality rates during the pandemic first, just to see if maybe there weren't a whole lot of deaths above the normal, expected rate that just somehow never got confirmed and counted as being a result of COVID-19. If that doesn't show up, then fine, I'll grant him that they had less deaths from it than expected, although I'm sure there are other factors at play beyond "lockdowns don't work".

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I agree about that shirt. We should file a class action lawsuit against him for it.

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In all of these late-lockdown Red states, individuals and local leaders were doing the right thing long before thier governors got around to it. It wasn't good enough, but it did slow the growth.

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Different Dan Patrick.

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Unfortunately, the ESPN Dan Patrick started his radio career later than the LG Dan Patrick - and was known as Dan Pugh.

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I always thought I would die being shot in the back by a jealous husband at the ripe old age of 103 ( with cause) . I have 38 years to go and I don't want these inbred cretins ruining my exit.

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If that room is an igloo.

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