Texas republicans are too busy trying to regulate truly dangerous threats to society, like ballots and vaginas.

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It's pretty cute, truth be told. The piggies seem to enjoy it and the winner gets oreos. The runners-up also get oreos. Win-win!

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Firearms in foster homes must be in a locked location (hint, the key is on top of the gun cabinet). That bill sounds like it also allows guns and ammo to be stored together, and allows them to be stored in a glass front cabinets or other breakable material without any separate lock on the firearms themselves.

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Not sure what the costume is in aid of...

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That guy thinks he's waaayy cooler than he actually is. Jackass.

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about the one Chicago shooting: I have family near 75th and Prairie. that's normally a decent area.

shit. I'm sobbing. I can't with this unnecessary bullshit. I just can't.

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what a very reasonable approach. truly exceptional.

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BOOM! precisely. but we're just supposed to take it because some imaginary tree needs watering.

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I just got the facts messed up. Guess it was the gas tank that exploded. I had a friend who had one in high school, but it didn't explode.

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I always have to put up the contrary view, from queer or leftish people living in Red states, who oppose gun laws because they will inevitably be selectively used AGAINST oppressed people, and Cletus will get to keep all his guns to kill up libruls.

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He's got the "smug asshole" thing nailed, tho.

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The Fairness Doctrine CANNOT work. When it was enacted there were 3, maybe 4 networks counting PBS. There are a LOT more now, which you have somehow missed.

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Raising Generation PTSD must be a terrifying experience.It should be no surprise to anyone that more and more people are not willing to do it.

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Republicans do not understand pretty much every other country on earth looks at this stuff and wonders what in the hell is wrong with us

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This wasn't the weekend's only mass shooting. Chicago, Cleveland, and Savannah, Georgia, also had bloodbaths over the course of six hours on Friday evening through early Saturday morning. The gun spree left 39 people wounded and five dead.

Wait, where were all the Good Guys With A Gun to stop the Bad Guys?

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