that's the key bit- they made the seemly rational disavowal then walked it back. Now they have two completely different statements they can trot out, depending upon the audience
Its the liberal media showing them card carriers destroying cards!!!No honest mister NRA dude I really lost my card and would like a replacement now that the D-I-V-O-R-C-E is over the only thing better than humping barrells is kissing NRA ass
<i>new methods to promote safe and responsible open carry.</i>
Oh my yes!! Because nothing says &quot;safe and responsible&quot; like a bunch of ammosexual yahoos running around in packs and waving deadly weapons in everybody&#039;s face.
Dashboard Broken-Record here...
I love it when these fuckers feed on each other.
Actually, people get shot every day. Both accidentally and intentionally. How would we even know when the fun started or ended?
NRA been bitch-slapped!
<a href="http:\/\/\/muckraker\/nra-apologizes-open-carry-texas" target="_blank">YUP</a>
They totally caved to the lunatic fringe
Gunfight at the Oh Please Bitch corral
You just don&#039;t understand Patriotism.
that&#039;s the key bit- they made the seemly rational disavowal then walked it back. Now they have two completely different statements they can trot out, depending upon the audience
The NRA statement was a &quot;disgusting&quot; &quot;attack&quot;?
Aw, these poor, poor delicate flowers...
Just don&#039;t give no guns to Gladly, the notorious cross-eyed bear!
Don&#039;t forget Benghazi!
Holy fuck. Just... dear god in heaven. They look like such nice nerd girls.
Hoverround gun battle, more like.
Its the liberal media showing them card carriers destroying cards!!!No honest mister NRA dude I really lost my card and would like a replacement now that the D-I-V-O-R-C-E is over the only thing better than humping barrells is kissing NRA ass
Unloaded, though. Right?
It would have been quicker for the NRA to state: &quot;Stay home Open Carry Texas, you&#039;re drunk.&quot;
<i>new methods to promote safe and responsible open carry.</i>
Oh my yes!! Because nothing says &quot;safe and responsible&quot; like a bunch of ammosexual yahoos running around in packs and waving deadly weapons in everybody&#039;s face.