Apple AND Tesla.

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There are already a whole lotta liberals in Texas, but they are gerrymandered into the cities and have no clout. :-(

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Yes, it is an oxymoron.

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If Ken Paxton really cared about human trafficking, he and his office would make better use of their time and resources focusing on that than, say, whether some hick with a six-shooter should be able to open-carry it down Main Street.

Sadly, while most people are capable of multi-tasking efficiently, it seems our Republican cousins* cannot.

*They're the cousins. You can deal with bothers, and sometimes you share common interests. But cousins? Your parents force you to sit with your cousins and show them your room, and then they destroy all your organization and break your Super Nintendo Bradley you f*ckstain. Not even my real cousin...

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If there were such a place, it would have happened. The state lege has done an excellent job of gerrymandering the blue districts.

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True dat.

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Yep. I've noticed they fight like hell, too, but damn, it's an uphill battle if there ever was one.

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If it's written in 2060, which Civil War?

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Thin, pretty, blond girl goes missing is guaranteed coverage, many eyeballs and clicks go with that story. People of color, including many indigenous people, are missing in far greater numbers, but the media doesn't care.

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Ken Burns has a lot to do with it.

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Many incursions were undertaken and battles fought solely to obtain slave power, not territory or to achieve a specific military goal, but to grab as many people as they could, including many women for use as sex toys, as slaves. The bible approves.

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just like their stupid abortion bill, this CRT bullshit is impossible to uphold too. in Iowa, the governor signed a bill banning CRT, so this teacher figured out that the law says race can't be part of the curriculum, but she can answer questions about it, so she just talks about the law banning CRT and then lets the students ask questions. the problem with banning speech is, there's always a way around it. president Xi didn't want people to make fun of him, so people started making fun of winnie the pooh because he looks like Xi. then the chinese government had to ban winnie the pooh, which made them look even more petty and ridiculous, which made more people want to make fun of them. now a lot of words are banned from chinese social media, like "personality cult" and "1984" and "animal farm" which of course makes Xi look even more ridiculous. I guess china and the GOP have never seen that now famous picture of barbara striesand's house.https://twitter.com/Mythinf...

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This shit is playing out in real time in a suburb of Dallas.A Black high school principal -- by all accounts a great educator and a great guy --- is about to be let go from his job at Colleville Heritage High School. He thinks it's because a bunch of wackadoodles got all freaked out about the non-existent critical race theory in school, and EXTRA freaked out because he posted a photo on social media of him kissing his wife. (Which seems innocent until the knuckledraggers point out that his wife is white and yes this is one reason why we can't have nice things.)

Anyway, the school board helpfully pointed out that no, race has nothing to do with it!!111!!!!!!1!!!He's being investigated for: - insubordination;- Lying to the media (honest!);- Hiding public records because he deleted an email from his computer

I just can't.Picture story: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news...

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Boards of education in southern states are the primary culprits, made up of racist losers for 150 years. Ken Burns, for whatever sins you think he may be guilty of, is a Johnny-Come-Lately to the narrative.

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I was reading about this earlier, and was imagining how those (white) (landowning) (educated) men who founded this country, would respond to the idea that they didn't think being white (and male, and moneyed) made them better citizens, or more worthy human beings. Then, I'm picturing Alexander Stephens somehow being brought forward in time to listen to an explanation of how the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, and racism didn't exist.

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