I acknowledge I used a fancy number "3" and tried to explain a fact to you. I note that I have you completely pegged, so I knew the actual reality of the situation was beyond your comprehensive. Perhaps I should apologize for asking for basic comprehensive from you while knowing it is beyond your abilities.

Nah, you are mocking desperate people, loser.

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My horizons have been expanded. I have mixed feelings about this, lol.

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They're also his loyal voters and constituents. You get what you vote for.

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Nothing they are doing is currently working, and they their capacitance for change is too small to measure.

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Just spitballing, making problem.

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And that is why billionaires are so happy.

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Power over others should be hella more scarce.

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Yeah it was so backlash.

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There absolutely is.

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"This is not free food!"

It COULD HAVE BEEN fee food, at no cost to anybody: it just got taken out of the freezer same as you would do at home when you wanted to eat it. Put it out for people to take, they will make your name ring out.

But you would get your capitalist card revolked. Your insurance gets cancelled and the bank calls in your load.

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Cost of service to H-E-B stores.

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You seem like a pleasant, well-rounded person with compelling arguments! And you are an excellent judge of the lived experiences of total strangers on the internet.

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For sure, dumpster diving is not the same as bum-rushing the doors of Walmart at midnight on Thanksgiving. But, there's a component of both related to crowd psychology. Getting a good (or free) deal, and in the case of dumpster diving in the instance of a grocery store throwing out all their fresh food in a power outage very specifically attracts people who are not food insecure and would not normally consider getting food out of dumpsters. They include people who really hate seeing food go to waste, or have a little prepper in them and launch into action when the power goes out. Or maybe they're not food insecure but they do have a tight budget and usually choose less expensive options are the grocery store and the thought of that grocery store just tossing all the tasty food they can't afford makes them very understandably upset. Has Abbott screwed over his state but good in a wide variety of ways? Yes. Is he partially responsible for the power outage in the first place? Sure is! Is it especially gross when Texas Republican politicians blame renewable energy for the failure of their power grid? Yup. But, Abbott is not the reason so much food gets wasted during a power outage any more than my Democratic governor is, which I why I'm saying that scenes of dumpster diving are bad optics for him.

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Your first paragraph was good. The second one ... not so much.

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Thank you for your first-hand reporting.

I’m appalled by the number of comments on this thread that are insisting this was a grid failure (despite the article saying it wasn’t), and the general “fuck Texas and also fuck Texans because they voted for Abbott.” Millions of people - including me - most certainly did NOT vote for our shitty state government, but unfortunately we’re still outnumbered. A little basic empathy would be nice.

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Yes, children are remarkably resilient if they are kept cold enough. They are very much like bears.

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