Hmmf, they could get a new Gulfstream G650 for that, and Creflo 'Seriously, I was sure I'd get away with it this time' Dollar will tell you it's just as holy!

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Pretty sure that was the plan all along.

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Don't laugh. This actually happened to me. And I was an adult at the time.

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Those flyboys are really sumpin', huh?

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When my beloved became a citizen several years ago, he said the same thing - there were people making sure that folks were actually saying the words except for the "under god" thing which was pretty much a free-for-all of "under god," "under allah," "under gods," and silence. He liked that very much - he said it was very American.

Many congrats to mr. annie!!

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and what if the tubes are tied? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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Republican America: where you have the freedom to worship God in either the Protestant or the Catholic varieties; where gay people have the freedom to marry any straight person of their choice; and where you have the freedom to try to find another job of your choice after your employer fires you for any reason at all!

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I knew a pilot whose plane got caught in a downdraft as he was landing. He described it as a giant hand grabbing his plane and slamming it into the Tarmac. His last thoughts before waking up in the hospital had nothing to do with God and more to do with excretory functions. (Note: I saw the story about the plane crash in the Alps after writing this...didn't mean to seem cavalier.)

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When THEY do it, it's bad.When WE do it, it's honorable and good! Always, because we're the good guys, duh!

This must be Exceptionalism: there's always an exception for you, if you're a Conservatard.

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"...because everyone knows there are no atheists in foxholes, cockpits, or poop decks..."

Don't know about foxy holes or poop dicks, but I can attest to being an atheist in an F-111 cockpit for 1,700 hours. Makes it so much easier when you go chasing nurses.

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High Flight, by John Godtoucher Magee, Jr.

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But itz close, ain't it?

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Making Jesus Trails.

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I'd like to offer a counter-proposal whereby it is optional to swear to God, but mandatory to swear to Batman.

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