He's got the personal conduct category locked up tighter than a four year old who needs an exorcism. But there's still the legislation category to play for.

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Seriously, where the hell were all these lunatics when I was in highschool? I knew there were prejudice self-righteous douchebags out there but holy hell are they out in force now and getting converts with ease.

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If instead of fighting for marriage equality, gay people just wanted to open-carry inside a preschool, this bitch would be the grand marshall at the parade.

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Yes, please great God, bring Molly Ivans back. Barring that (sadly, it will be barred), please, please, please let Texas secede into its own hog-trough of a country and as soon as it does, please President Obummer (or shall we say "Dictator for Life Kenyan Usurper"), station Marines every 10 yards along the border to keep them from crossing those borders bringing in their filth and disease.

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Dear Texas,We are happy to inform you that we will be gratefully, and gracefully, accepting your repeated offer to secede.

Sincerely, The Rest of the Union

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The Lord took Molly so that she wouldn't have to see this shit, like she took Steve Goodman just before the Cubs blew it in the closest pennant race they had run in decades.

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Whataburger is the ONLY thing I miss about Texas. 100% ashamed to have been born, raised and stationed there.

A basic knowledge of how government works and a lack of religion should be irrefutable requirements to hold office.

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Seriously? You want these dumbfucks to be EFFECTIVE?

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Forget it, Molly. John tried it and see where it got him!

- Louie 'Go Go' Gohmert

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I think the point is that they'd have to stop electing Conservatives, seeing as all Conservatives can do is pose with guns and throw temper tantrums.

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I suggest at least 100 megatons of votes. To be sure.

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And Georgia and Alabama and both Carolinas and...

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Western NJ would be okay. Eastern NJ is gonna end up under water anyway.

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Most of northern and north central NJ is hilly- I think it'll do OK. The pine barrens, on the other hand...

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I miss Molly Ivins so much!

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Should the 10 million Democrats in Texas move? That sounds just like conservative BS.

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