I hear ya. I used to go clubbing (& deejaying, & photographing) once or twice a week, but I'm definitely too old for that these days. But damn, I sure do have some great memories (& photos!)

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So, just like the real thing, only a lot cheaper!

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Then he should never listen to Gilbert Gottfried's podcast, lest he hear the rumor about Cesar Romero and orange wedges. (Look it up, if there's no one else around.)

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I've read that story - I love Stephen King - and I was in Waco in 93 (I moved to Wyoming in 2001). Hell, there was the Lake Waco murders in the early 80s. Carlton Stowers wrote a book about it and won all kinds of awards. My personal belief is that Waco is so boring and backwards that once in a while it just drives people to insane acts just to break the tedium.

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IIRC, David Koresh wasn't FROM Waco, he moved there...

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Let's get them two in a studio with some guitars. We could put out an album called "The Sessions Sessions" and make a mint.

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Catch the gay? It was a club, not a prison.

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Now I feel bad. I used to go to clubs with my gay friends, and no one hit on me.

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Keeps his biases in net little compartments that never overlap? Sounds kinda anal to me.

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There should be stickers at the door so you can advertise your sexuality. "STRAIGHT VISITOR" etc.

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To be fair, the staffer has an uphill battle, especially when they guy they're trying to cover goes on twitter and says "what I meant to say was I can't be bothered learning the facts of the matter."

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That last tweet from Newhauser is a doozy. I get the first sentence, but can someone translate the last for me? I'm dead serious, what the hell does it mean?

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It took me a while to parse as well, but basically he thought that because there were straight people there, it was automatically a general (i.e.not gay) club, and the fact that there were a lot of Latinos meant it was a Latino night club, rather than just Latino night at said (still apparently not gay) club.

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Here's how to tell them apart!The one from Alabama, Senator Session's is the Senate's own little version of the Keebler Elf!


The one from Texas is Rep Sessions, Texas's own "No Lips Pete!" As seen in this photo, next to Alabama's own little Keebler Elf!


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Sessions is a jerk, but, unlike every other day this week on Wonkette, this story doesn't make me have to phone or email the jerk with a personal message of contempt.

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Fun fact: Stephen King once wrote a story predicated on Waco being the center of a circle of decreased violence, where the closer you got to it, the less violent crime there was.

While it was originally published in Omni magazine in 1986, it was also included in the 1993 collection Nightmares and Dreamscapes. You may remember 1993 and Waco having a connection for another reason, though...

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