<blockquote>And that has nothing to do with the fact that it was the first bill signed into law by Barack Obama — it’s just that, as Christman said, “women want real-world solutions to this problem, not more rhetoric.” See, actual changes in the law that would make discrimination suits easier are just empty talk. Gotta do something real like say “real-world solutions” a lot. </blockquote>

Will you gay-marry me, Dok Zoom?

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<i>"I would encourage ... instead of pursuing the courts for action to become better negotiators."</i>

And that's how Bush v Gore was decided.

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Lysistrata found an effective negotiating position (wink, wink).

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I love it when women <i>Lean Forward</i> whilst negotiating. Especially the ones with the low-cut blouses and large....

So, yeah. Lean Forward. That's the ticket. Women just need to Lean Forward more.

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So don't worry your busy little heads about current affairs, just get those biscuits in the oven and your buns into bed.

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