Thanks for pointing that out. Very few people are aware of it - but they should be!

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This woman is allowed to roam freely??!?!?!?!? Oh, Texas. Never mind.

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Oh god...another day in Texas, another humiliation for people with 3 digit IQs

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It's hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact that this batshit crazy woman remembers to breathe...

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She covers that - she says there wasn't enough vegetation to feed them. However, that doesn't explain what happened to the meat-eaters... never mind.

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With a side of paste. :o)

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She's a pretty typical candidate for the Board of Education.

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Of course dinosaurs existed way back about a hunnerd-leventy years ago. How else was Babby Jeezuz supposed to get to work?

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' Asked specifically about the post and whether she still believes the president used to be a gay prostitute, Bruner said: “You are obviously a hostile and biased reporter pretending to be a friendly reporter to gain my confidence. The interview is over.” '

Send in a real journalist. She would never treat Jeff Gannon like this.

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Especially when both are standing with Papa Cruz, batshit crazy pastor. I would almost like to hear the rest of their conversation but my head would probably explode, further proof that she is probably a satan worshipper.

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"... USA citizens KNOW many of the refugees are not refugees at all but Radical Islamic Terrorists who plan to kill as many USA citizens as possible."

And we wouldn't want them to start taking jobs away from right-wing extremists, now would we?

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And these are the same schmucks who want to blame LIBERALS for the "dumbing down" of America!

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We need states to declare that approval by the Texas State Board of Education is automatic disqualification for use in their state.

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Funnily enough, the rest of the states follow New York.

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Sigh...good point. I always hope the younger idiots will grow up and be like me. My parents were rabid Republicans, and so was I, until I grew up and realized that Republicans have terrible ideas, and are just bad human beings. It also dawned on me that most poor people aren't poor because they want to be. Derp.

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"Wait a dang minute, I'm putting on my business overalls and straw hat."

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