if it's a three year old who routinely throws psychotic tantrums, then you'd have it about right.

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It's a 'family matter'...

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It's like when my son told me he was bisexual. He was surprised when I told him that I knew, already, and it didn't change one thing with us. He was my baby, he would always be my baby, and that settled it. I would worry about him, of course, because I knew what assholes people could be to him about it, but that was on them, not on him, and I told him never to forget that.

I don't know how I knew he was bisexual. He didn't talk about it with me before that moment, or do anything blatant like get caught kissing a boy, I didn't walk in on a three way, or any of that.

But I knew.

As for the bigots...

My mother used to try to push the spawn into sports, and he just wasn't into that. After she sent him off to a basketball sports program that he wasn't interested in in the least, I told her to knock it off with the sports crap, it was annoying to everyone, including me, let him be. She said, "But he'll become gay without sports!"

I was like, "Oh good grief, shut up. If he's gay, he was gay before you ever signed him up for one of these stupid sports, and even if he is, so fucking what? There's nothing wrong with that. Are you saying that there's is? If so, then get out, right now, and don't come back ever again. He doesn't need a grandmother like that, and I won't let you poison him with stupid like that. What is the matter with you?"

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this very much has nothing to do with what I was saying. and, in any case, it was BGTX that screwed her over in 2014 and bled our donors dry which contributed to her loss in the mayor's race. BGTX was even so stupid that they initially sent out a meme congratulating Ivy Taylor on her win.

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how about we clear up the fact that there's no period in Dr Pepper, first. okay?

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not according to statute.

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Cats are here to prove that we all long to be subs to the will of a perfect chaotic neutral.

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My brother still refuses to accept that his son--now grown--is textbook Asperger's.

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we're not even in the top 25 most polluted states. and secession is still not legal.

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I feel the need to let you in on something, before you have a ragestroke. Namely, my choice of nym. The original definition is:

Pinkham's LawIn any internet post about terrible restaurant customer behavior, no matter how terrible the behavior in question, someone will show up to try to justify that behavior.

In other words, I'm trolling my own home site to mock the people who post such things seriously. Sorry for the upset.

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Alas, I have a couple of neighbors who would react exactly that way.

Most of them no, since we're heavy on the liberal arts professor vibe around here, but we do have a couple of the toothless rednecks in the pile.

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I feel that I need to let you in on something. Pinkham's law goes something like "No matter how big an asshole in an article may be, someone will always step in to defend the asshole." Note my name. It's kind of an in-joke that I occasionally troll the board to mock those who actually believe the positions I take ironically.

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Normally, you have an attorney on staff who will tell you don't do that, it's stupid and crazy. And then if the jurisdiction does it anyway, the insurance does not pay. That leaves taxpayers holding the bag.

The problem with Texas is that the attorney on staff in cases like this is Ken Felon Paxton.

Even then, though, the insurance carriers usually wriggle out of paying, and thus the taxpayers are indeed stuck with the bill. Without seeing the terms of the policy, I think they never do cover blatantly unconstitutional/illegal acts, so they do have some legal protection from being stiffed by these howler monkeys.

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I gotta come clean. It's an in joke here that I sometimes troll the board to mock people who sincerely take positions like this. I took my nym from Pinkham's Law, which goes something like: "No matter how big an asshole in an article may be, someone will always step in to defend the asshole."

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