It's time to start eating the rich. I have heard that long pig, if prepared properly is pretty good. And how can people that don't have a culture whine about culture wars?
Yeah, I told Joe that today in my message to the White House that putting sick, old black folks back in jail might not help his agenda. The irony of calling that shit hole the White House.
A wizard? Nope. A very, very wise man who guided America through a time of tremendous trial? Absolutely. Was Lincoln perfect? Of course not. Was he correct far more times than he was wrong? Yep. He was a man of his time. There's nothing he could do about that.
When it comes to healing the nation President Lincoln was absolutely correct. We made a complete mess of Reconstruction, and we're paying the price for that today. The problem isn't that we weren't punitive enough.
I very much doubt grinding the South under the iron heel after the war was over would have improved the situation. The North made a huge mistake in not ensuring the civil rights of the newly-freed slaves. U.S. Grant made a grievous error there.
Banning ideas is not really something that can work, long-term, and still proclaim your unbending loyalty to the freedoms stated in The Constitution.
The wingnuts are are losing their shit, because they are losing the power. They know it. They see the writing on the walls.
It's the last-ditch hail-Mary plan to put a wall up preventing people from acknowledging ... that history exists. I mean, Jebus, that's really a bad look.
"You can't talk freely about _Critical Race Theory__ in __Public Schools__, because we have decreed that you cannot! It is a bad thing, we, of The Party, have decreed!"
Yeah, sure, it's merely Critical Race Theory right now, and in Public Schools, but what's stopping you slippery-slopers from filling these in with other Fascist MadLibs tomorrow?
Can you explain why is it so terrible and repressive and unfair when Farcebook prevents TFG from posting his incendiary shit-blasts, but it's fine for you to limit what teachers are able to say? There are some real clear important distinctions between the two situations, but I'd love to even hear a Wingnut TRY to explain anything about these issues without falling immediately into a version of "BUT ... uh...Critical Race Theory is not what plants crave!"
"BUT Have you not seen Tucker Carlson blarping about how bad this thing* is?!"
*CRT, Mr. Potatohead, Dr. Seuss, Kneeling Sportsballers, Diversity, Anteeefa, The Gay Agenda, Murphy Brown, Interracial Couples.
We know. Your culture-war shitlist extends endlessly into the vanishing point of history. We've heard you cry wolf a brazillion times before. It's all fucking noise, and has been noise all along. We keep going forward, while you anachronistic turds keep standing athwart history shouting stop, but really you're just dribbling your impotent tears on us, while we punch your stupid balls as we just continue to live and move and evolve, right on past you.
We get it. Your media is still pretty potent, but it isn't everywhere. You do still manage to get the rubes stirred up, sure. You can even get dumb sad fucks to forgo simple self-preservation like "put cloth on face, stop bad thing" or "get vaccine no get dead" or "Me like Loudy J. Clownman, make him muh leeder!" But...there's a lot more of us out there saying "Fuck Tucker, Tucker Sucks" than saying "TUCKOR, SAY ME HOW THINK PLZ!"
The arc of the moral universe keeps bending, cleaving away from you wingnut's illegitimate philosophies, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it, other than even-worse-bullshit like "YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT IDEAS, THOSE ARE DANGEROUS!!!!"
Yeah, good luck with that whole concept of putting a gag-order on ideas and concepts. It won't hold. Sorry (not sorry.)
No, but they are too fucking stupid to live.
So why do we let these people breed?
They are just fucking idiots with money. That's the only thing capitalism cares about and they think the rest of us are beneath them.
The signers were all property developers. What do you expect?
No, they just heard that. Most them can't read.
It's time to start eating the rich. I have heard that long pig, if prepared properly is pretty good. And how can people that don't have a culture whine about culture wars?
Yeah, I told Joe that today in my message to the White House that putting sick, old black folks back in jail might not help his agenda. The irony of calling that shit hole the White House.
These language academies just keep the assholes out of the center of public discourse and allows them to think they are doing something important.
A wizard? Nope. A very, very wise man who guided America through a time of tremendous trial? Absolutely. Was Lincoln perfect? Of course not. Was he correct far more times than he was wrong? Yep. He was a man of his time. There's nothing he could do about that.
When it comes to healing the nation President Lincoln was absolutely correct. We made a complete mess of Reconstruction, and we're paying the price for that today. The problem isn't that we weren't punitive enough.
Some 260,000 dead Confederates would argue it wasn't "nearly for nothing."
We can certainly agree that we didn't do enough.
"Handholding?" Nope.
Most of the Confederate monuments that we continue to argue about went up well after the War was over. The Lost Cause Crap didn't begin in 1865,
I very much doubt grinding the South under the iron heel after the war was over would have improved the situation. The North made a huge mistake in not ensuring the civil rights of the newly-freed slaves. U.S. Grant made a grievous error there.
Stupid, clueless and racist is no way to run a democracy.
Banning ideas is not really something that can work, long-term, and still proclaim your unbending loyalty to the freedoms stated in The Constitution.
The wingnuts are are losing their shit, because they are losing the power. They know it. They see the writing on the walls.
It's the last-ditch hail-Mary plan to put a wall up preventing people from acknowledging ... that history exists. I mean, Jebus, that's really a bad look.
"You can't talk freely about _Critical Race Theory__ in __Public Schools__, because we have decreed that you cannot! It is a bad thing, we, of The Party, have decreed!"
Yeah, sure, it's merely Critical Race Theory right now, and in Public Schools, but what's stopping you slippery-slopers from filling these in with other Fascist MadLibs tomorrow?
Can you explain why is it so terrible and repressive and unfair when Farcebook prevents TFG from posting his incendiary shit-blasts, but it's fine for you to limit what teachers are able to say? There are some real clear important distinctions between the two situations, but I'd love to even hear a Wingnut TRY to explain anything about these issues without falling immediately into a version of "BUT ... uh...Critical Race Theory is not what plants crave!"
"BUT Have you not seen Tucker Carlson blarping about how bad this thing* is?!"
*CRT, Mr. Potatohead, Dr. Seuss, Kneeling Sportsballers, Diversity, Anteeefa, The Gay Agenda, Murphy Brown, Interracial Couples.
We know. Your culture-war shitlist extends endlessly into the vanishing point of history. We've heard you cry wolf a brazillion times before. It's all fucking noise, and has been noise all along. We keep going forward, while you anachronistic turds keep standing athwart history shouting stop, but really you're just dribbling your impotent tears on us, while we punch your stupid balls as we just continue to live and move and evolve, right on past you.
We get it. Your media is still pretty potent, but it isn't everywhere. You do still manage to get the rubes stirred up, sure. You can even get dumb sad fucks to forgo simple self-preservation like "put cloth on face, stop bad thing" or "get vaccine no get dead" or "Me like Loudy J. Clownman, make him muh leeder!" But...there's a lot more of us out there saying "Fuck Tucker, Tucker Sucks" than saying "TUCKOR, SAY ME HOW THINK PLZ!"
The arc of the moral universe keeps bending, cleaving away from you wingnut's illegitimate philosophies, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it, other than even-worse-bullshit like "YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT IDEAS, THOSE ARE DANGEROUS!!!!"
Yeah, good luck with that whole concept of putting a gag-order on ideas and concepts. It won't hold. Sorry (not sorry.)
That's one of many reasons I've always hated Paul Ryan. Out there hogging two first names when some of us don't even have one!
I’m in Austin, but she mostly lives with her narcissistic mother in FW.