Yeah, these guys clearly haven't yet come to realize that a "false economy" is a <em>bad</em> thing, every time they talk about cutting IRS enforcement I start to feel punchy.

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if they can vote for Allen West or Colin Powell...

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Goatse, then.

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John Cornyn is "kind of" an asshole?? That's like saying it's "kind of" cold outside because it's 8 degrees.

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you should copyright this.

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Do you know where you're going to?

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The professional media will be all over this deliberate untruth!

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I don't know if there is a cause-and-effect connection, but we have seen some recent episodes of <b>Congressional malfeasance</b> in this country. I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters on some occasions where <b>congresspersons</b> are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and building up to the point where some people engage in violence.

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With votes. OH WAIT. We already dropped votes on their heads and it didn't make a difference. Proceed with the piano.

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First they came for the hammers . . .

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Taxes go down, deficit goes up. Who can explain it?

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<i> If we don’t reduce spending and reform our three biggest entitlement programs – Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security – then we will strangle economic growth, destroy jobs and reduce our standard of living.</i>

Seems to me taking away entitlements may have a negative impact on living standards. Think of all the olds who will have to switch from Fancy Feast to Friskies if their Social Security checks are taken away.

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Excellent point, there are different metrics for that population: Standard of Living Dead.

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Wasn't that ory's point?

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IOKIYAR is the only reason they need.

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Also, failure to collect taxes owed.

And too - Greece doesn't control its currency.

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