Yes. However, on the twitter feed just after Denzel is the cutest video of a dragon reading Jack and the Beanstalk to a litter of puppies.

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If I'm reading this right, you just need to not be in your county on the day of voting. Seems like you could just go to the county over, get a burger or something, save the receipt, now you have proof you were not in your own district for voting. Why even bother with disability when you can simply make true what needs to be true for purposes of not dying to vote.

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It's enough in NY. Ta, Jamie Lynn.

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:(I hope everything is ok. I assume she must be hating all the bullshit going on right now.

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True, and I'll bet he was not amused, and I sure wasn't, when his show this month I would've gone to was postponed...

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Notably, he said that it came back for the third time.Interesting how he and other reich-wingers don't think COVID19 will come back again in the fall.

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In theory the polls would have been in areas served by public transport, wouldn't they? I mean, back in common sense days.

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I thought it was funny.

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Reminded me of Monty Python's "Eric the Half a Bee"

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I think they'd have a problem if I claimed pregnancy, since I lack the required plumbing....

I mean HE. My friend. Yeah, that's what I meant.

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Oh, I needed that.

You're expecting these people who elected Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, and Ken Paxton to be critical thinkers?

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I'm very curious as to how the University of Georgia, and every other football-mad college in the South, which is most of them, is going to deal with this when football season starts. Thousands of people crammed into the stadium? Hundreds more who couldn't get in clogging the downtown bars? Probably. I know where I WON'T be---of course I already avoid Athens on home game days.

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Republicans hate American citizens. Sorry, that's the only logical conclusion.

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That's how it's done, you know. So people can get there.

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Start with Abbott.

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In this context "disability" is a legal definition, not a medical one.

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