You have to hand it ("it" in this case being a flaming bag of dog poop) to the Great State of Texas: When it comes to finding new ways to be total dicks, the creativity and imagination of Texas government is almost boundless.
Jerkface-Americans knew you Fraudulent Americans would have a hissy fit over how the Constipation works in Real Amercia, but if God says those babbies aren't Real Americans, that is just how it is, same as if they were Fag-Americans or Lady-Americans.
Trump's birf cert. sez he was born in "Jamaica". That could be Jamaica, Queens or Jamaica, Jamaica. There is no proof either way. And his mother was NOT BORN IN THE U.S.A.!!!1!
Plus, if you fire them for being dicks they go on Fox News and claim persecution for being conservatives- not because they are rank incompetents with all of the professionalism of a small child but because they stand for the same. Then they lecture other people on hard work as a way to get ahead, I know it's maddening....
wingnut self
When exactly did county clerks become the supreme legal authority in this country?
So did Donna Rose give her consent for that tat?
Around the same time the county sheriff became elevated above the President...PIDOOMA, basically.
Jerkface-Americans knew you Fraudulent Americans would have a hissy fit over how the Constipation works in Real Amercia, but if God says those babbies aren't Real Americans, that is just how it is, same as if they were Fag-Americans or Lady-Americans.
Well you've got to hand it to the paranoid racists of Texas, they sure do excel in both paranoia and racist dickery in all facets of life...
Geez, I miss Ann Richards.
Trump's birf cert. sez he was born in "Jamaica". That could be Jamaica, Queens or Jamaica, Jamaica. There is no proof either way. And his mother was NOT BORN IN THE U.S.A.!!!1!
Enough with your foreign law. American Jeebus says "fuck the poor" - Book of ALEC, 1:1
Todd Starnes....the ugly babby of America's id.
Plus, if you fire them for being dicks they go on Fox News and claim persecution for being conservatives- not because they are rank incompetents with all of the professionalism of a small child but because they stand for the same. Then they lecture other people on hard work as a way to get ahead, I know it's maddening....
A-ya-MEN brudder!
Richards could speech a line. I miss Molly Ivins.
It's difficult to expect much from Alamo slave humper dreck. Though there are good folks in Texas, he caveated.
And there's always a Bible verse that proves they are right.