Slut shaming is an effective way to get girls to visit their aunts for several months.


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Wonder how much the tundra twit and her viginity challenged wine cooler drinking tent dwelling grifter of a daughter is set to make off this, by being hired on the advice given by their new bff green eggs and hambone dude to the bortshunless governor to speak to the horny kids tellin them to keep theys cooters and tallywhackers to themselves.We know everyone will listen to them after seein how cool they is

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The Invisible Hand has sticky fingers.

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I can. Don't you remember all the dickheads in high school?

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We preferred <a href="http:\/\/www.lostwackys.com\/images\/lostwackys\/lost-roughs\/tv-time.jpg" target="_blank">TV Time Popcorn</a>, but sure!

Funny- when I first watched the show, as a teenybopper, I loved Jeremy best. When I watched it again as a young woman, I switched my allegiance to Jason. I skipped over Josh entirely.

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I can sort of see a PSA with some redneck father chasing a boy around with a shotgun saying " If ur gonna fornicate with my heifer, ur gonna god damn marry her too !" Both the cow and girl in the background look shocked and regretful.

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Sometimes Wonkette reminds me that I am not a wonk. "The restoration of the abstinence grants was ultimately a concession to get Obamacare passed." I did not know that. Now that I do, I will ... gnaw my own leg off? Maybe just migrate to happynicetimepeople, where there are trees and flowers and chirping birds.

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He did, he knew when to quit and seems to have done great things with his new career. No wandering around doing the has-been circuit for him.

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"<i>done</i> with college"?

You are one very optimistic dad.

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At $1.2 million, what's the cost per page work out to?

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Depends if you count those who can read, but only understand Spanish.

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Are Texas Republicans born fully developed, like Orcs in LOTR? Because I am having trouble believing that they were ever teenagers.

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Hey. Can you picture the Biebs helping to settle Seattle? I didn't think so.

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I think this could work if we include the mandatory wearing of burkhas. Preferably white, with a cross embroidered on them.

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Your sister was wrong! (and so was mine, who swooned for Donny Osmond)

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I will confess to once possessing Partridge Family bubble gum cards.

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