Since when did your physician become your financial advisor? This is the most thinly veiled attempt at Scarlet-Lettering poors I've seen yet. It's not enough that when you call Univera, they ask "But, are you Univera COMMUNITY CARE or REGULAR Univera" and you're instantly feeling guilty and disgusting for having to admit that you are a Community Care member, but I'm very fearful that doctors will flat-out refuse particular treatments knowing that the insurance is of the government type. This reeeeeks of classism AGAIN.

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You would call such a system "Porn", and every male Republican in the country would flock to get covered.

Though I do foresee problems when they find out their nurses won't strip for them.

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You forgot to thank him for the Obamaphone.

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Indeed. When they removed the "S", how to differentiate now? How about we just DON'T and call it a day.

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Indeed. They don't give one flying fuck what kind you have, just that you have it. It has always been up to me to make my Dr. aware of any restrictions in my plan that might make him seek an alternative/cheaper treatment because it'll come out of my wallet instead.

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Yellow stars work quite well, I hear.

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It's redundant. And the doctor quoted as being in support of the legislation might be a total dumbass. Hi everybody, I'm Dr Nick!

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So, if your doctor DOESN'T remind you to make payments, are they FINED BY THE STATE?

Or, better yet, THEY have to MAKE YOUR QUARTERLY PAYMENT for you.

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you don't need the star sewn to your shirt . . . you need to have it sewn to your skin.

[can't be too sure . . . you might take off your shirt]

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fucking the poor does seem to be a firmly held religious belief for pugs . . . which is odd being that they are so against fucking . . . except as prescribed by your doctor (or minister) for procreational purposes only.

[. . . if the act takes more than 18 seconds and/or produces an emotional response from the woman you're doing it wrong, consult your minister for remedial instructions]

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Yes, isn't it fun? I'm faced with finding another dentist who will accept my medicaid/medicare insurance. Most dentists in my city don't want to take it, and if you can find one, he/she is usually maxed out on their 'quota' of how many of us disgusting poors they will treat. Last time I had to look, it took 2 hours of methodical calling of dentists who were listed as actually accepting this insurance to find one with an opening. Oh, they have room for new patients, just not awful, disgusting, disabled people like me.

Let's not even get started on the doctors, who are usually fresh out of med school and in training, but that's the best us poors deserve. I can tell they don't really give a crap about my issues as long as I keep coming in so they can collect the fees for tests I DON'T need-- it's why my arthritis has still not been treated after 2 years (I don't even know what kind I have!), and why a skin rash I had went on for 2 years until I figured out my damn self what was causing it. It doesn't matter how many times you ask about it. Then the republicans get annoyed when people still qualify as disabled after 4 years of supposedly having insurance. Well, maybe it's because many of our pressing health issues are systemically ignored.

OK, rant over.

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where's the problem? . . . it's only a few small letters . . . who will even notice?

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Qualified Horary Practitioner (Professional Asrtologer)

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Jesus don't care.

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G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate perhaps?

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A lot of us Texas commie poors already have tattoos, so it should be easy to slap a few more on us.

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