Abrahamic shit ruins everything.

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"I had no idea doing rhetoric was so dangerous!"

See your Doktor if you are in danger from using rhetoric.

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See your Dok Zoom for instructions on using rhetoric safely.

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I bow to my master, Dok Zoom, as I only have an MA in Rhetoric and Writing Studies. I love this assignment and it looks like the students are doing a terrific job of using rhetorical concepts to analyze the letter. If I re-enter the classroom, I might use this letter myself as an assignment.

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To be fair, these dipshits flipped out over "critical thinking" 15 years ago, too, so it isn't new for them to identify something as the complete opposite of what it actually is, and then claim it's harmin' the chirrunsez!!

They are afraid, because with tools like CRT and critical thinking skills, their kids will go out in the world and realize that hey, the Christian church is actually the biggest system of oppression in America, and maybe blind fidelity to God and country is problematic, and maybe they won't just swallow everything dad yammers at them after 9 hours of FOX and OAN.

Once people learn, they leave the church AND the GOP in droves. Now that also means leaving their Trumpy families, too.

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Mandatory fallacio in the schools. How Texass.

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And I am a Paiute who knows next to nothing about Paiute culture.

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Sure. Do you want to tell The Black People, or shall I?

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Definitely. Do you want to explain this to The Black People, or shall I?

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Do you suppose that this woman has any notion that she is proving that America is a systemically racist country built on hate?

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Patriarchal religions are, by definition, oppressive.

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Good for you!

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Well, we have just the pharmakon for you, just see the pharmacist

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My college students would have a difficult time with this assignment. So kudos to this teacher for giving her students a leg up on how to analyze a text. We need more teachers like her.

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DI can understand why teaching students to criticize "Nosy" Natalie "Rat on Your Coworker" Cato would be teaching CRT but for the life of me, I can't understand the logic behind why.

Damn, for a second there I was worried the teacher got busted for explainin' that Texas was wrested from Mexico 'cause the Mexicans wanted to free the slaves them US settlers was bringin' with 'em.

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The Dunning/Kruger effect is strong in them.

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