Thad McCotter’s downward spiral from Congressman/vanity presidential candidate to publicly humiliated wretch of a man continues. Unable to purchase even 50 votes at the Iowa Straw Poll or collect enough (valid) petition signatures to run for re-election
Wonder if it ever occurred to him that if he hadn't wasted his, and his staff's, time making deliberately awful videos, and did his fucking job instead, he might have had enough real people willing to sign petitions for him that he'd be on the ballot?
Wonder if it ever occurred to him that if he hadn't wasted his, and his staff's, time making deliberately awful videos, and did his fucking job instead, he might have had enough real people willing to sign petitions for him that he'd be on the ballot?
Ah, but will he flash his tits at them, or just scream obscenities while being carried out?
And yet somehow the <em>Austin Powers</em> movies were commercially successful.
I can&#039;t wait to ridicule Orly Taitz&#039; script.
You&#039;re not welcome back, McCotter.
Hey now!
Needs more penis pic twittering.
This is potentially good news for Happy Kine and the Mirthmakers.
Not recommended. Between the whiskey and the matador costume, you might fall down the stairs.
Sorry...eye-fucked/skull-fucked not the same thing. I&#039;m sad about it, too.
Don&#039;t we pay these guys a pension so they&#039;ll just go away when their careers are over?